Comparative evaluation of roller burnishing of Al6061-T6 alloy under dry and nanofluid minimum quantity lubrication conditions

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV Vol. 26 No. 4 2024 TECHNOLOGY Ta b l e 6 ANOVA for microhardness: F-values and % contribution of diff erent parameters Elements Dry NFMQL F-Values % contribution F-Values % contribution Cutting speed (V) 15.8251 16.91 72.1848 47.77 Feed (f) 0.6335 0.68 18.5180 12.25 Number of passes (N) 1.5631 1.67 26.8943 17.80 Interaction V x f 7.4668 7.98 4.1151 2.72 Interaction V x N 5.8132 6.21 0.6087 0.40 Interaction f x N 7.4668 7.98 8.7903 5.82 V 2 29.0338 31.02 19.1484 12.67 f 2 11.8708 12.68 0.2530 0.17 N 2 13.9156 14.87 0.6078 0.40 Total F-value 93.5887 100 151.1204 100.00 of cutting speed and number of passes (contributions of about 20 % and 15.88 %, respectively). Cutting speed and feed, on the other hand, have minimal infl uence. However, it can be considered that the number of passes is crucial in reducing the surface roughness. Conversely, under NFMQL conditions, the surface roughness is most aff ected by the higher order of passes (contribution of about 36.98 %), followed by the higher order of feed and cutting speed (contributions of about 23.29 % and 19.96 %, respectively). Table 6 shows the ANOVA results for the F-values of roller burnishing microhardness under dry and NFMQL conditions. It is obvious that under dry burnishing condition, the higher order of cutting speed V 2 (contribution of about 31.02 %), cutting speed V (contribution of about 16.91 %), and the higher order of feed f 2 and passes N 2 (contributions of about 12.68 % and 14.87 %, respectively) have the greatest infl uence on the microhardness, while the feed f and the number of passes N have the least infl uence (contributions of about 0.68 % and 1.67 %, respectively). On the contrary, under NFMQL condition, the experimental results show that the number of passes N (contribution of about 17.8 %), feed f (contribution of about 12.25 %), Ta b l e 7 ANOVA for roundness error: F-values and % contribution of diff erent parameters Elements Dry NFMQL F-Values % contribution F-Values % contribution Cutting speed (V) 40.2758 25.89 18.0635 7.28 Feed (f) 0.6619 0.43 167.1666 67.36 Number of passes (N) 24.0589 15.47 29.3038 11.81 Interaction V x f 1.4796 0.95 6.0885 2.45 Interaction V x N 28.7154 18.46 0.0040 0.00 Interaction f x N 5.7595 3.70 1.4451 0.58 V 2 0.9816 0.63 23.7563 9.57 f 2 50.5574 32.50 1.9515 0.79 N 2 3.0571 1.97 0.3743 0.15 Total F-value 155.5472 100 248.1536 100.00