Obrabotka Metallov 2015 No. 3

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 3 (68) 2015 14 технология OBRABOTKAMETALLOV (METAL WORKING AND MATERIAL SCIENCE) N 3(68), July – September 2015, Pages 6–15 Parts finishing antifriction electromechanical machining Edigarov V.R. , Ph.D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, e-mail: edigarovs@mail.ru Litau E.V. , Post-graduate Student (Military), e-mail: litau100@mail.ru Omsk Tank-Automotive Engineering Institute, 14 Military Town, Omsk, 644098, Russian Federation Abstract The results of investigations of electromechanical surface treatment of tribosystems steel parts with preliminary application of thin sliding layer consisting of a variety of solid lubricants to the surface of the workpiece, allows to change the structure of the surface layer, to improve durability and performance, especially antifrictionality. Amethod for processing with a pre-coating of antifriction material on the surface of the workpiece, followed by treatment with an electromechanical is called AFEMO. It is found that AFEMO reduces friction torque of the samples in the friction pairs. Thermal and deformational influence during AFEMO provides a hardened surface layer with a hardness of 9 GPa and areas with a solid lubricating antifriction coating, which improves the wear resistance and friction properties of the parts surface layer, and corrosion resistance. Minimum torque friction have samples, which surfaces have been processed with AFEMO with preliminary coating of antifriction material and rubbing the surface of the workpiece by applying an antifriction material in suspension in a mixture with a surfactant (surfactant). Bronze showed better results in the case of rubbing for the application of the solid material. When using an ultradisperse crypto-crystalline graphite (SCG) as an antifriction material and molybdenum disulfide in admixture with glycerine, tribocoupling wear rate is minimal in comparison with any other solid lubricants and traditional processing techniques for surface hardening. The wear rate of parts after AFEMO compared with the items processed by the “traditional” technology EMI is reduced by 10...20%. Total AFEMO influence pattern on the microhardness of steel specimens resides in the change of the degree of hardening layer through the samples depth with a maximum near the surface and depending mainly on the magnitude of the current. Keywords: roughness, friction properties, electromechanical, solid lubricant, wear resistance, tribosystem, cryptocrystalline graphite, molybdenum disulfide. DOI: 10.17212/1994-6309-2015-3-6-15 References 1. Khebdy M., Chichinadze A.V., eds. Spravochnik po tribotekhnike. V 3 t. T. 1. Teoreticheskie osnovy [Reference of tribological engineering. Vol. 1: Theoretical foundation]. Moscow, Mashinostroenie Publ., 1989. 397 p. 2. Askinazi B.M. Uprochnenie i vosstanovlenie detalei mashin elektromekhanicheskoi obrabotkoi [Hardening and recovery of machine’s details using electromechanical processing]. 3 rd ed. Moscow, Mashinostroenie Publ., 1989. 198 p. ISBN 5-217-00443-6 3. Bagmutov V.P., Parshev S.N., Dudkina N.G., Zakharov I.N. Elektromekhanicheskaya obrabotka: tekhno- logicheskie i fizicheskie osnovy, svoistva, realizatsiya [Electromechanical machining. The technological and physical fundamentals, properties, realization]. Novosibirsk, Nauka Publ., 2003. 318 p. 4. Edigarov V.R. Tekhnologii i oborudovanie kombinirovannykh sposobov elektromekhanicheskoi obrabotki [Technologies and equipment for combined methods of electromechanical processing]. Omsk, OABII Publ., 2014. 280 p. 5. Edigarov V.R. Povyshenie ekspluatatsionnykh svoistv i kachestva poverkhnostnogo sloya detalei mashin tekh- nologicheskimi metodami [Increase of operational properties and quality of the surface layer of machine parts by technological methods]. Omsk, OF VAMTO Publ., 2013. 196 p. 6. Edigarov V.R., Malyy V.V. Povyshenie iznosostoikosti detalei khodovoi chasti mnogotselevykh gusenich- nykh mashin kombinirovannymi metodami elektromekhanicheskoi obrabotki [Improving wear resistance of details