Obrabotka Metallov 2015 No. 3
ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 3 (68) 2015 73 ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ. инструменты The paper provides the results of comprehensive studies of the cutting power of electrocorundum wheels with ceramic bond impregnated with different compounds compared with non-impregnated wheels. The influence of impregnators on core parameters of the grinding process such as resistance and wear of an abrasive tool, energy consumption and roughness of a ground surface are studied. The studies revealed that when grinding the microporous coatings under given conditions the electrocorundum impregnated wheels have higher cutting power as compared with non-impregnated wheels. Comprehensive analysis of the studies based on a rating method revealed that when using the flat grinding method for the nickel- and iron-based microporous coatings the highest cutting power is attributed to wheels impregnated by triethanolamine and oleic acid impregnators. Keywords: microporous coatings, abrasive tool, grinding, impregnation, wheel resistance, cutting power, impregnator. DOI: 10.17212/1994-6309-2015-3-66-74 References 1. Kurchatkin V.V., Tel’nov N.F., Achkasov K.A., Savchenko V.I., Bugaev V.N., Batishchev A.N. Nadezhnost’ i remont mashin [Reliability and repair of machines]. Moscow, Kolos Publ., 2000. 776 p. ISBN 5-10-003278-2 2. Alekseev N.S., Kaporin V.A., Ivanov S.V. Vliyanie skorosti shlifovaniya plazmennykh pokrytii na rezhush- chuyu sposobnost’ krugov [Effect of grinding speed plasma coatings on cutting ability of wheels]. Tekhnika v sel’skom khozyaistve – Equipment for agriculture , 2014, no. 5, pp. 26–30. 3. Neklyudov V.I. Vybor rezhushchego instrumenta i rezhimov pri tochenii i shlifovanii pokrytiya PN85Yu15 [The choice of cutting tools and modes for turning and grinding coating ПН85Ю15]. Trenie, iznos, smazka – Fric- tion, wear, lubricant , 2003, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 65–69. 4. Fan X.R. Force modeling for intermittent grinding process . PhD thesis. Michigan Technology University, Michigan, 2005. 129 p. 5. Alekseev N.S. Vliyanie zernistosti krugov na nekotorye pokazateli shlifovaniya [Influence of grain wheels on some parameters grinding]. Vestnik mashinostroeniya – Russian Engineering Research , 2003, no. 4, pp. 66–69. (In Russian) 6. Kremen Z.I. A new generation of high-porous vitrified CBN wheels. Industrial Diamond Review , 2003, no. 4, pp. 53–56. 7. Korotkov A.N., Tsekhin A.A. Vliyanie formy abrazivnogo zerna na rezhushchuyu sposobnost’ i iznos shlifoval’nykh krugov [Influence of the form of abrasive grains of the cutting ability and wear of grinding wheels]. Vestnik Kuzbasskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta – Bulletin of Kuzbass State Technical Univer- sity , 1999, no. 2, pp. 17–19. 8. Kazakov S.N. [Selection of coolant and abrasive wheel dressing method for pre-plunge grinding rollers with plasma coatings]. Respublikanskii mezhvedomstvennyi sbornik nauchnykh trudov Belorusskogo natsional’nogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta “Mashinostroenieˮ [Republican interdepartmental collection of scientific works of the Belarusian National Technical University “Mechanical Engineering”]. Minsk, Tekhnoprint Publ., 1980, no. 14, pp. 58–62. 9. Gorlenko O.A., Bishutin S.G. Vzaimosvyaz’ chisla aktivnykh zeren s kharakteristikami i rezhimami pravki abrazivnogo instrumenta [The relationship of active grains with features and modes dressing abrasive tools]. Prob- lemy mashinostroeniya i nadezhnosti mashin – Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability , 1999, no. 1, pp. 62–66. (In Russian) 10. Mustafaev R.F., Alekseev N.S., Kaporin V.A., Ryazanov A.V., Ivanov S.V. Vybor smazochno-okhlazhday- ushchei zhidkosti dlya shlifovaniya plazmennykh pokrytii na zheleznoi osnove [The selection of lubricant – coolants for grinding iron-based plasma coatings]. Obrabotka metallov (tekhnologiya, oborudovanie, instrumenty) – Metal Working and Material Science , 2012, no. 4 (57), pp. 28–30. 11. Belous V.I. Modifitsirovanie smazochno-okhlazhdayushchikh zhidkostei pri shlifovanii trudnoobrabatyvae- mykh materialov [Modificatin of cutting fluids in grinding of hard materials]. Aviatsionno-kosmicheskaya tekhnika i tekhnologiya – Aerospace Technic and Technology , 2011, no. 7 (84), pp. 66–70. 12. Li J., Takeuchi A., Ozawa M., Li X., Saigo K., Kitazawa K. С 60 fullerol formation catalysed by quaternary ammonium hydroxide. Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications , 1993, iss. 23, pp. 1784–1785. 13. Shen B., Kalita P., Malshe A.P., Shih A.J. Performance of novel MoS 2 nanoparticles based grinding fluids in minimum quantity lubrication grinding. Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME , 2008, vol. 36, pp. 357–364.
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