Obrabotka Metallov 2015 No. 4

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 4 (69) 2015 15 ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ 24. Dereli T., Filiz I.H., Baykasoglu A . Optimizing cutting parameters in process planning of prismatic parts by using genetic algorithms // International Journal of Production Research. – 2001. – Vol. 39, iss. 15. – P. 3303–3328. – doi: 10.1080/00207540110057891. 25. Deepak S.S.K . Cutting speed and feed rate optimization for minimizing production time of turning process // International Journal of Modern Engineering Research, 2012. – Vol. 2, iss. 5. – P. 3398–3401. 26. Ab Rashid M.F.F., Izwandi S . Optimization of turning parameters to minimize production cost using genetic algorithm [Electronic resource] // Proceedings of the 2nd CUTSE International Conference, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia, 24–25 November 2009. – Sarawak, 2009. – Available at: http://umpir.ump.edu.my/5277/1/ CUTSE_MOC_02_Optimization_of_Turning_Para- meters_to_Minimize_Production_Cost.PDF (acce-ssed: 30.10.2015). 27. Kronenberg M . Machining science and ap- plication. Theory and practice for operation and development of machining processes. – 1 st ed. – Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1966. – 410 p. OBRABOTKAMETALLOV (METAL WORKING AND MATERIAL SCIENCE) N 4(69), October – December 2015, Pages 6–17 Use of basic model of process of drilling for rationing of the modes of cutting of the hardly processed materials Smagin G.I. , Ph.D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, e-mail: g.smagin@ngs.ru Karmanov V.S. , Ph.D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, e-mail: vitaly_karmanov@ngs.ru Fedin I.V. , Master’s Degree student, e-mail: ivan_fedin@outlook.com Novosibirsk State Technical University, 20 Prospect K. Marksa, Novosibirsk, 630073, Russian Federation Abstract Amethod of cutting regimes normalization for hard-to-machine materials using the example of drilling operation is offered. The method is based on application of new models of tool life well consistent with the experiments results as well as on building characteristic lines and surfaces for the cutting process parameters. Applications of the suggested method allows using the mechanism of experimental tools lifetime for different zones of the cutting regimes factor space, which allows to decrease the number of labor-intensive AW experiments, improve accuracy of calculations of optimal processing conditions and graphic display of adopted resolutions. A scheduling algorithm for the experiment to estimate the selected resistibility model parameters is developed on the ground of the suggested method. On the basis of the suggested method a program complex is drawn up to calculate optimal drilling regimes on the criteria of minimal expenses for range diameters of drills (from 3 to 40 mm) and processed materials (with processing ratio of the material, PR, from 0,2 to 1). The basic variables of the cutting process include the dimensions of tools, the applied criteria of tool life, the type of cooling lubricant, the mode of drill fixation, the drill radius, blind or through bore, the material grade, the drill material, the drill type and others. The method allows calculating both local optimal cutting regimes on the criteria of minimal expenses and the table regimes along the characteristic line of maximal life for the current variables for the moment feeds without considering the processing expenses. Keywords : drilling, drilling regimes, cutting tool life, normalization method, characteristic lines, characteristic surfaces, design of experiment, machinability of materials, correction coefficients, optimization, expenses. DOI: 10.17212/1994-6309-2015-4-6-17 References 1. Loktev A.D., Gushchin I.F., Batuev V.A. et al. Obshchemashinostroitel’nye normativy rezhimov rezaniya. Spravochnik. V 2 t. T. 1 [Engineering industry standards cutting modes. Manual. In 2 vol. Vol. 1]. Moscow, Mashinostroenie Publ., 1991. 640 p. ISBN 5-217-01190-4