Actual Problems in Machine Building 2016 No. 3

Actual Problems in Machine Building. 2016. N 3 CONTENTS ____________________________________________________________________ 11 CONTENTS Innovative Technologies in Mechanical Engineering Filippov A.M., Golikova E.O., Sidorov A.N., Azin A.A. Problems in the operation of the last-stage blades of steam turbines after the repair 17 Aksenova K.V., Gromov V.E., Konovalov S.V., Ivanov Yu.F. Degradation of structure and properties of silumin subjected to electron-beam treatment and high- cycle fatigue testing 23 Sidorenko S.A., Lobanov D.V., Rychkov D.A. Software for automating choice of rational composite material 30 Chinakhov D.A., Grigorieva E.G., Mayorova E.I. Influence shielding gas on the shape of weld bead in restoration of worn details 37 Walter A.V., Aksenov V.V., Chernukhin R.V. Determination of numeric values and nature of geometric errors of geokhod intermediate unit's shell 42 Rodina A.A., Kolodin A.N. Automation selection of technological equipment galvanic manufactures 48 Kozyrev N.A., Kibko N.V., Umanskii A.A., Titov D.V. The influence of nickel and carbon-fluorine containing additives on the structure and properties of deposited steel 25Х5ФМС 54 Kozyrev N.A., Titov D.V., Kibko N.V. The study of the influence of the composition of flux-cored wire ПП-Нп-35В9Х3СФ on the properties surfaced roller 60 Zverev E.A., Skeeba V.Yu., Tregubchak P.V., Vakhrushev N.V., Parts K.A., Zhigulev A.K. Operability assessment of wear-resistant plasma coatings after the high-temperature influence by high-frequency currents 65 Levchuk A.Yu., Gleym V.R., Plotnikov K.P., Cha G.O., Skeeba V.Yu. The use of automated welding complex for the hot water boilers production 71 Ivancivsky V.V., Zverev E.A., Vakhrushev N.V., Bandyurov I.V. Adhesion strength research of wear-resistant ceramic-metal plasma coatings 77 Olshanetskiy V.E., Ovchinnikov A.V., Dzhugan A.A. Possibility of using of non- spherical titanium powders for additive technologies 82 Poddubny V.I., Kryazhev J.A., Gorin E.J. The design of 3D model of dynamic process of cutting face mills in the application RecurDyn 88 Markov A.M., Cherdancev P.O., Gayst S.V., Kataeva S.A., Lapenkov E.Y. Classification of ways of management of accuracy indicators when machining of fiberglass 93 Rychkov D. A. Rationalization of milling parameters of polymer composite materials 100 Firsov A.M., Tatarkin E.Yu., Kalistru V.A. Designing of technological processes by using the foundation of heuristic techniques 106