Actual Problems in Machine Building 2016 No. 3
Актуальные проблемы в машиностроении. 2016. №3 Технологическое оборудование, оснастка и инструменты ____________________________________________________________________ 335 Список литературы 1. Илюшкин М.В., Филимонов В.И., Марковцева В.В . Моделирование контактных взаимодействий роликового инструмента с полкой профиля швеллерного типа при изготовлении гнутых профилей методом интенсивного деформирования // Известия Самарского научного центра Российской академии наук. – 2014. – Т. 16, № 1 (2). – С. 397– 400. 2. Mathematical simulation of the forming of a round welded steel tube into a square profile in four-roll passes / K.E. Akopyan, A.V. Kolobov, D.A. Rodichev, M.S. Seleznev, V.S. Trusov, E.S. Fedotov, V.S. Yusupov // Russian Metallurgy (Metally). – 2012. – N 5. – P. 375–379. 3. Lindgren М., Edberg J., Lindgren L.-E . Roll forming // Handbook of Manufacturing Engineering and Technology. – London: Springer-Verlag, 2014. – P. 1–19. – doi: 10.1007/978-1- 4471-4976-7_43-1. 4. Paralikas J., Salonitis K., Chryssolouris G . Robust optimization of the energy efficiency of the cold roll forming process // The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. – 2013. – Vol. 69, iss. 1. – P. 461–481. – doi: 10.1007/s00170-013-5011-0. 5. Park H.S., Nguyen T.T . Optimization of roll forming process with evolutionary algorithm for green product // International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing. – 2013. – Vol. 14, iss. 12. – P. 2127–2135. – doi: 10.1007/s12541-013-0288-3. 6. Методика расчета технологических параметров при профилировании / В.П. Шеногин, Н.В. Тепин, В.А. Храбров, А.С. Постнов // Заготовительные производства в машиностроении. – 2007. – № 4. – С. 35–37. 7. Дунаевский В.И., Нотченко В.Д . Машины для правки тонкого листового и полосового проката. – М.: ЦНИИТЭИтяжмаш, 1986. – 36 с. MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF WHEEL RIMS PROFILING Gribkov E. P. 1 , Ph.D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, e-mail: Gavril’chenko E. Yu. 2 , Head of Design Bureau, e-mail: Merezhko D. V. 2 , Designer, e-mail: 1 Donbass State Engineering Academy, 72 Shkadinova, Kramatorsk, Donetsk region, 84313, Ukraine 2 PJSC "Novokramatorsky Mashinostroitelny Zavod", 5 Ordzhonykidze, Kramatorsk, Donetsk region, 84305, Ukraine Abstract A mathematical model of the profiling wheel rims, which is based on decomposition of the deformation zone on the set of elementary volumes, followed by analysis of elastic-plastic bending of each section are developed. On the basis of calculations the quantitative and qualitative effect of the sheet thickness, the radius of the rim and the height profile on the power parameters of the process are installed. Finite-element model was developed to determine the legitimacy of the assumptions and the accuracy of power parameters calculation. As a result of solutions analysis the identified levels of strain and stress, as well as the nature of the loads increase. Profiling force calculation error does not exceed 6.7%. Keywords profiling, rim wheels, mathematical model, elastic-plastic deformation, rotary running
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