Actual Problems in Machine Building 2016 No. 3

Actual Problems in Machine Building. 2016. N 3 Materials Science in Machine Building ____________________________________________________________________ 450 COMPOSITE MATERIAL "TITANIUM-STEEL", PRODUCED BY EXPLOSION WELDING Malutina,Y. N., Assistant, e-mail: Skorokhod K. A. , Student, e-mail: Shevtsova L. I. , Assistant , e-mail: Novosibirsk State Technical University, 20 Prospekt K. Marksa, Novosibirsk, 630073, Russian Federation Abstract Structural determination and mechanical properties results of "titanium-steel" composite material are presented in research. High-impact marginally-defected compounds from heterogeneous materials could be obtained by explosion welding. principle diagram of forming composite material by explosion welding are shown in this research. Specified, that in transition zones "steel-titanium" and "titanium-steel" microhardness of composition material increases from 280 to 369 HV. Impact- bending tests showed, that impact toughness depends on stress concentrator configuration. Keywords « titanium-steel» composite, explosion welding, lamination