Actual Problems in Machine Building 2016 No. 3
Actual Problems in Machine Building. 2016. N 3 Materials Science in Machine Building ____________________________________________________________________ 456 10. Прудников А.Н., Прудников В.А., Богонос Е.В . Оценка структуры, свойств и загрязненности неметаллическими включениями деформационно-термоциклически обработанной стали 10 // Сборник материалов ХIХ Международной научно-практической конференции «Металлургия: технология, инновации, качество», 15–16 ноября 2015 г. – Новокузнецк: Изд-во СибГИУ, 2015. – С. 35–39. 11. Кекало И.Б., Самарин Б.А . Физическое металловедение прецизионных сплавов. Сплавы с особыми магнитными свойствами. – М.: Металлургия, 1989. – 496 с. INFLUENCE OF THERMOCYCLIC FORGING AND SUBSEQUENT ANNEALING ON THE COERCIVE FORCE AND LINEAR EXPANSION OF STEEL 10 Prudnikov A.N. , D.Sc. (Engineering), Professor, e-mail: Prudnikov V.A. , Ph.D. student, e-mail: Siberian State Industrial University, 42 Kirova st. Novokuznetsk, 654007, Russian Federation Abstract The results of the effect of pre thermocyclic forging and subsequent annealing in the range 100÷900°C in increments of 100ºС steps on the microstructure, coercive force and a linear expansion of hot-rolled steel sheet 10. Is established that the use of pre-deformation thermocyclic leads to a an increase of coercive force is not a more than 8% compared with the steel manufactured by industrial technology. The results of determination of the temperature coefficient of linear expansion revealed that pre-forging thermocyclic little effect on the thermal expansion of steel (the changes do not exceed 5%). The possibility of reducing coercive force of sheet steel made using thermocyclic forging by applying heat treatment. Annealing at 900ºС for 10 hours to reduce the coercive force steel almost 3 times compared with the thermally untreated condition. In addition, annealing of this mode reduces the temperature coefficient of linear expansion of steel sheet in an average of 6% in the temperature range 50-450 ° C test. Wherein the most significant decrease in the average temperature coefficient of linear expansion at low temperatures between 50 and 200 ° C. It is 7 - 10% compared with the steel without heat treatment. Keywords steel, structure, deformation, thermocyclic forging, coercive force, linear expansion, annealing, rolling
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