Actual Problems in Machine Building 2016 No. 3
Актуальные проблемы в машиностроении. 2016. №3 Материаловедение в машиностроении ____________________________________________________________________ 473 9. Narayan K. Sundaram, Yang Guo, Srinivasan Chandrasekar . Mesoscale folding, instability, and disruption of laminar flow in metal surfaces // Physical Review Lettters, PRL. – 2012. – Vol. 109 (10). – P. 106001. 10. Лычагин Д.В., Алферова Е.А., Старенченко В.А . Влияние кристаллогеометрической установки на развитие макрополос и неоднородность деформации в [ 111 ]-монокристаллах никеля // Физическая мезомеханика. – 2010. – Т. 13, № 3. – С. 75–88. 11. Выявление мест локализации в монокристаллах никеля при сжатии / Д.В. Лычагин, Е.А. Алферова, В.А. Старенченко, А.Д. Лычагин, А.В. Чумаевский // Физическая мезомеханика. – 2014. – Т. 17, № 5. – С. 85–97. 12. Губкин С.И . Теория обработки металлов давлением. – М.: Металлургиздат, 1947. – 532 с. 13. Alfyorova E.A., Lychagin D.V., Popov A.A . Patterns of folded structure formation in the maximum bending zone of [111] FCC single crystals // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. – 2015. – Vol. 91. – P. 012024. THE FOLDING STRUCTURE IN [ 111 ]-NICKEL SINGLE CRYSTAL Alfyorova E.A. 1 , Ph.D. (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor, e-mail: Lychagin D.V. 1,2 , D.Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), Professor, e-mail: Soprunov D.V. 1 Graduate students, e-mail: 1 National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, 30 Lenin Avenue, Tomsk, 634050, Russian Federation 2 National Research Tomsk State University, 36 Lenin Avenue, Tomsk, 634050, Russian Federation Abstract This article examines the characteristics of folding in [ 111 ]-nickel single crystal. The aim of the study is establishment of the regularities of folding and its role in plastic deformation. We explore how the folding depends on the crystallography, geometry of crystal and scheme of the state of stress. We applied a set of modern methods. There is optical and confocal microscopy for determine the morphology and the parameters of the relief. We found that the most intensive folding goes to places of greatest curvature of the crystal (the area of concave and convex). The morphology of folds in various zones is different. Octahedral slip is an integral part of the formation of folds with the initial deformation. We analyzed the morphological parameters of the folded structures in different zones and suppose that more dense folds can relax higher stresses. The article presents experimental data on the magnitude of inhomogeneous deformation in the folds. They confirm that the folded structures lower the heterogeneity of deformation. Therefore, the folds are additional way organization deformation in the crystal along with octahedral slip. The experimental results presented in this paper can be considered as model in the study of metal forming processes. Keywords Fcc-single crystal, folding, heterogeneity of plastic deformation, organization of deformation, shift Funding The reported study was funded by RFBR, according to the research project No. 16-32-60007 mol_а_dk
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