Obrabotka Metallov. 2016 no. 2(71)

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 2 (71) 2016 19 технология found that increasing technological voltage on the electrodes leads to the increase of treatment depth and the diameter of the inlet hole. Changing the overpressure of the jet from 0.3 to 0.8 MPa had no significant influence on processing productivity and on the regularities of the hole formation. It is shown that the increase in diameter of the cathode- tool is accompanied by a growth in both the depth of processing and the diameter of the inlet hole. The possibilities for further improvement of the electrochemical machining of a small-diameter holes to increase the productivity of the process and improve the accuracy parameters. Electrochemical machining scheme with fixed cathode-tool results in a significant loss of accuracy of the hole by cone forming. To eliminate this disadvantage it is necessary to stabilize the electrode gap using a so-called scheme of non-stationary cathode-tool. It allows us to improve the accuracy of the needling and also to increase to some extent the productivity of the process. Further improving of Electrochemical machining of holes in terms of increasing productivity requires finding ways to current density increasing by combining with other electro-physical processes. Keywords electrochemical machining, anode, cathode-tool, anodic dissolution, electrolyte, current density doi: 10.17212/1994-6309-2016-2-12-20 References 1. Moroz I.I. Elektrokhimicheskaya razmernaya obrabotka metallov [Electrochemical machining of metals]. Moscow, Mashinostroenie Publ., 2009. 279 p. 2. Davydov A.D., Volgin V.M., Lyubimov V.V. Electrochemical machining of metals: fundamentals of electro- chemical shaping. Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, 2004. vol. 40, iss. 12, pp. 1230–1265. doi: 10.1007/s11175- 005-0002-6 3. Mitryushin E.A., Saushkin S.B., Saushkin B.P. Puti razvitiya i perspektivy primeneniya tekhnologii elektrokhi- micheskoi razmernoi obrabotki [Ways of development and prospects of application electrochemical dimensional pro- cessing technologies]. Uprochnyayushchie tekhnologii i pokrytiya – Strengthening technologies and coatings , 2009, no. 12, pp. 40–45. 4. Dikusar A.I., Ivanenkov I.A., Saushkin B.P., Silkin S.A., Yushchenko S.P. Vysokoskorostnoe anodnoe ras- tvorenie zharoprochnykh khromonikelevykh splavov, soderzhashchikh vol’fram i renii. 1. Khloridnye rastvory [High-speed anode dissolution of heat-resistant chrome-nickel alloys containing tungsten and rhenium. 1. Chloride solutions]. Elektronnaya obrabotka materialov – Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry , 2007, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 4–15. (In Russian) 5. Lohrengel M.M. Pulsed electrochemical machining of iron in NaNO 3 : fundamentals and new aspects. Materi- als and Manufacturing Processes , 2005, vol. 20, iss. 1. pp. 1–8. doi: 10.1081/AMP-200041591 6. Zhang Z., Zhu D. Experimental research on the localized electrochemical micro-machining. Russian Journal of Electrochemistry , 2008, vol. 44, iss. 8, pp. 926–930. doi: 10.1134/S1023193508080077 7. Jakovets I.V., Zvonkyj V.G., Koblov V.V., Dikusar A.I. Elektrokhimicheskaya razmernaya obrabotka slozhnoprofil’nykh otverstii maloi glubiny v detalyakh iz khromonikelevykh splavov v khloridnykh rastvorakh [Electrochemical dimensional processing (ECDP) of complicated-profile apertures of small depth in details from chromel alloys in chloride solutions]. Metalloobrabotka – Metal processing , 2006, no. 2, pp. 22–25. 8. Rakhimyanov Kh.M., Yanpolsky V.V. Anodnoe rastvorenie bystrorezhushchei stali R6M5 i ee sostavlyayush- chikh v vodnykh rastvorakh [Anode dissolution of high-speed steel R6M5 and its components in water solutions]. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov Novosibirskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta – Transaction of scientific papers of the Novosibirsk state technical university , 2003, no. 4 (34), pp. 141–147. 9. Kabanov B.N., Davydov A.D., Kashcheev V.D. [On the relationship between the characteristics of the anodic dissolution of metals and precision electrochemical machining]. Materialy IV vsesoyuznoi konferentsii “Razmernaya elektrokhimicheskaya obrabotka detalei mashin”. Ch. 1. Osnovy teorii protsessa [Proceedings of the IV All-Union Confer- ence “Dimensional Electrochemical Machining of Machine Parts”. Pt. 1. Basic Theory of the Process]. Tula, 1975, pp. 10–14. (In Russian) 10. Rakhimyanov Kh.M., Yanpolsky V.V., Moiseenko A.N. Razmernaya obrabotka detalei s pokrytiyami iz nanostrukturirovannykh poroshkovykh materialov [Dimensional processing of details with coverings from nano powder materials]. Obrabotka metallov (tekhnologiya, oborudovanie, instrumenty) – Metal Working and Material Science , 2010, no. 4, pp. 22–26. 11. Amirkhanova N.A., Galiyev V.E., Ustyuzhanina S.V. Osobennosti vysokoskorostnogo rastvoreniya zhelezo- khromonikelevogo splava KhN35VTYu primenitel’no k elektrokhimicheskoi obrabotke [Features of high-speed dis-