Obrabotka Metallov. 2016 no. 2(71)

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 2 (71) 2016 26 ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ. инструменты 12. Алексеев Н.С., Иванов С.В., Капорин В.А . Шлифование плазменных покрытий на никелевой и железной основе // Технологии упрочнения, нанесе- ния покрытий и ремонта: теория и практика: в 2 ч.: материалы 16-й международной научно-практиче- ской конференции. – СПб., 2014. – Ч. 1. – С. 181–187. 13. Худобин Л.В., Правиков Ю.М . Анализ номен- клатуры абразивных инструментов, применяемых на предприятиях Ульяновской области // Вестник УлГ- ТУ. – 2003. – № 1/2. – С. 34–36. 14. Шлифование сплавов на основе титана: ме- тодические рекомендации / Г.И. Саютин, И.В. Хар- ченко, А.Д. Богуцкий, Д.Н. Спиридонов, А.П. Гата- ринов, В.А. Носенко. – М.: НИИМАШ, 1977. – 27 с. 15. Смирнов В.А., Григорьева К.Т., Саютин Г.И . Пути снижения работы трения в зоне резания за счет уменьшения количества связки в круге // Физико-хи- мические явления при шлифовании: материалы се- минара (г. Волжский, 3–5 октября 1972 г.). – Киев, 1976. – С. 14–17. 16. Stokes R.J., Valentine T.J . Wear mechanisms of ABN abrasive // Industrial Diamond Review. – 1984. – Iss. 1. – P. 34–44. OBRABOTKAMETALLOV (METAL WORKING AND MATERIAL SCIENCE) N 2 (71), April – June 2016, Pages 21–27 A comparative analysis of the efficiency of ceramic and bakelite bonded grinding wheels Alexeev N. S., Ph.D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, e-mail: tm@rubinst.ru , Kaporin V. A., Engineer, e-mail: kaporinvl@mail.ru Ivanov S. V. , Engineer, e-mail: vitsal_72@mail.ru Rubtsovsk Industrial Institute, Branch of I.I. PolzunovAltai State Technical University, 2/6Traktornaya st., Rubtsovsk, 658207, Russian Federation Abstract Grinding of nickel and iron based wear-resistant microporous coatings is marked to have low grindability and is accompanied by a rapid loss of cutting capacity of the abrasive wheels due to the high intensity of thermal power process, intensive wear and wheels smearing. In the grinding operation the performance of the abrasive grains largely depends on the strength of its retention in the disc, i.e. the type and number of bond. In consideration of the low thermal conductivity and the tendency of micro porous coatings to burn during grinding, it is particularly important to minimize friction costs. This requirement can be met by a choice of more antifriction material of the bonds while meeting the requirements of a sufficiently reliable fastening of the abrasive grains in the wheel. The research data on the cutting ability of wheels of aluminumoxide and silicon carbide with a ceramic and bakelite bond for rough grinding of nickel and iron based microporous coatings are presented in the article. Redress life and process efficiency are established, grinding power strain, energy demands and other indicators are investigated. The findings of the feasibility of the transition to the use of an abrasive tool with a ceramic bond, which allows increasing the wheels resistance and processing performance while reducing power strain of the grinding process and energy demands compared with wheels on bakelite base, are made. A comprehensive assessment of the test results showed that in the round external grinding of nickel-based microporous coatings the most effective is an abrasive wheel of made of electrocorundum with a ceramic bond, and when grinding iron-based coating – abrasive wheel made of silicon carbide with a ceramic bond. Keywords plasma coatings, abrasive tool, bond, grinding wheels, cutting forces, tool wear out, surface roughness DOI: 10.17212/1994-6309-2016-2-21-27 References 1. Chernoivanov V.I., Lyalyakin V.P. Organizatsiya i tekhnologiya vosstanovleniya detalei mashin [Organization and technology of details of machines]. 2 nd ed. Moscow, GOSNITI Publ., 2003. 488 p.