Obrabotka Metallov. 2016 no. 3(72)

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 3 (72) 2016 50 МАТЕРИАЛОВЕДЕНИЕ 11. Ion J.C. Laser processing of engineering materials: principles, procedure and industrial application. Burling- ton, Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann Publ., 2005. 576 p. ISBN-10: 008097189X. ISBN-13: 978-0080971896 12. Fauchais P.L., Heberlein J.V.R., Boulos M.I. Thermal spray fundamentals . NewYork, Springer, 2014. 1566 p. ISBN 978-0-387-28319-7. doi: 10.1007/978-0-387-68991-3 13. Davis J.R., ed. Handbook of thermal spray technology. Materials Park, Ohio, ASM International, 2004. 338 p. ISBN-10: 0-87170-795-0. ISBN-13: 978-0-87170-795-6 14. Tucker R.C. jr., ed. ASM Handbook . Vol. 5A. Thermal spray technology . Materials Park, Ohio, ASM Interna- tional, 2013. 412 p. ISBN 978-1-61503-996-8 15. Skeeba V.Yu., Ivancivsky V.V., Martyushev N.V., Lobanov D.V., Vakhrushev N.V., Zhigulev A.K. Numerical simulation of temperature field in steel under action of electron beam heating source. Key Engineering Materials , 2016, vol. 712, pp. 105–111. doi: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.712.105 16. Bataev A.A., Bataev I.A., Burov V.G., Ivancivsky V.V. Osobennosti strukturnykh prevrashchenii v stalyakh, obuslovlennye ispol’zovaniem istochnikov vysokokontsentrirovannoi energii [Features of structural transformations in steels based on highly concentrated energy sources]. Obrabotka metallov (tekhnologiya, oborudovanie, instru- menty) – Metal Working and Material Science, 2004, no. 4 (25), pp. 18–19. 17. Ivancivsky V.V. Chislennoe modelirovanie temperaturnykh polei v materialakh pri uprochnenii s ispol’zovaniem kontsentrirovannykh ob”emnykh istochnikov nagreva [Numerical modeling of temperature fields in materials hardening using concentrated volumetric heat sources]. Nauchnyi vestnik Novosibirskogo gosudarst- vennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta – Science bulletin of the Novosibirsk state technical university , 2004, no. 2, pp. 161–172. 18. Skeeba V., Ivancivsky V., Pushnin V. Numerical modeling of steel surface hardening in the process of high energy heating by high frequency currents. Applied Mechanics and Materials , 2015, vol. 698, pp. 288–293. doi: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.698.288 19. Ivancivsky V.V., Bataev V.A. Uprochnenie poverkhnostnykh sloev detalei mashin s ispol’zovaniem vyso- koenergeticheskogo nagreva tokami vysokoi chastoty [Surface hardening of machine parts by using high-energy heating by high frequency currents]. Polzunovskii vestnik – Polzunov Bulletin , 2005, no. 2-2, pp. 104–112. 20. Ivancivsky V.V., Skeeba V.Yu., Zub N.P. Metodika naznacheniya rezhimov obrabotki, obespechivayushchikh ratsional’noe raspredelenie ostatochnykh napryazhenii pri poverkhnostnoi zakalke VEN TVCh [Method of determin- ing processing modes, ensuring the rational distribution of residual stresses in surface hardening HEH HFC]. Nauch- nyi vestnik Novosibirskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta – Science bulletin of the Novosibirsk state technical university , 2008, no. 3 (32), pp. 83–94. 21. Chesov Yu.S., Zverev E.A., Ivancivsky V.V., Skeeba V.Yu., Plotnikova N.V., Lobanov D.V. Struktura iznosos- toikikh plazmennykh pokrytii posle vysokoenergeticheskogo vozdeistviya TVCh [Structure of wear resistant plasma coatings after high-energy treatment using high-frequency currents]. Obrabotka metallov (tekhnologiya, oborudo- vanie, instrumenty) – Metal Working and Material Science , 2014, no. 4 (65), pp. 11–18. 22. Skeeba V., Pushnin V., Erohin I., Kornev D. Integration of production steps on a single equipment. Materials and Manufacturing Processes , 2015, vol. 30, iss. 12, pp. 1408–1411. doi: 10.1080/10426914.2014.973595 23. Skeeba V.Yu., Ivancivsky V.V., Lobanov D.V., Zhigulev A.K., Skeeba P.Yu. Integrated processing: qual- ity assurance procedure of the surface layer of machine parts during the manufacturing step “diamond smooth- ing”. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering , 2015, vol. 125, p. 012031. doi: 10.1088/1757- 899X/125/1/012031 24. Skeeba V.Yu., Vorotnikov V.E., Garin R.A., Garin E.A. Modelirovanie napryazhenno-deformirovannogo sos- toyaniya materiala v programmnom komplekse SYSWELD pri poverkhnostnoi zakalke TVCh [Simulation of the stress-strain state of the material in the software package SYSWELD in surface hardening by high frequency]. V mire nauchnykh otkrytii – In the World of Scientific Discoveries , 2010, no. 2-3, pp. 16–19. (In Russian) 25. Babat G.I. Induktsionnyi nagrev metallov i ego promyshlennoe primenenie [Induction heating of metals and its industrial application]. Moscow, Leningrad, Energiya Publ., 1965. 552 p. 26. Lifshits Ya.L., Kraposhin V.S., Linetskii Ya.L. Fizicheskie svoistva metallov i splavov [Physical properties of metals and alloys]. Moscow, Metallurgiya Publ., 1980. 320 p. 27. Okhotin A.S., ed. Teploprovodnost’ tverdykh tel : spravochnik [Thermal conductivity of solids: directory]. Moscow, Energoatomizdat Publ., 1984. 320 p. 28. Sorokin V.G., Gervas’ev M.A., eds. Stali i splavy. Marochnik : spravochnik [Grade steels and alloys. Reference Edition]. Moscow, Intermet Engineering Publ., 2001. 608 p. ISBN 5-89594-056-0