Obrabotka Metallov. 2016 no. 4(73)

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 4 (73) 2016 14 технология destruction of pipelines. Undetected internal defects can not only lead to significant economic losses, environmental pollution, but also to the loss of human life. The working conditions of the plastic materials, especially composites, are widely used for replacement of parts and components made of rare materials, ferrous and nonferrous metals and alloys based on them, working in hostile environments. This makes it possible to improve the reliability and durability of the structure as a whole. However, in modern working conditions to evaluate the quality of products a lot of enterprises have to selectively destroy the integrity of the samples under investigation in the control of material properties. From an economic point of view, this leads to an increase of the production cycle and the cost of production. A method of ultrasonic diagnostics using hardware-software complex, allowing to reveal internal defects, the presence of inclusions or inhomogeneities on the structure of the composite material without destroying the product, to reduce the economic, environmental and human costs is offered. Keywords non-destructive testing, ultrasound, composite materials, surface quality, process control, material handling, engineered structures resource. DOI: 10.17212/1994-6309-2016-4-6-15 References 1. Rogov V.A., Poznyak G.G. Sovremennye mashinostroitel’nye materialy i zagotovki [Modern engineering materials and blanks]. Moscow, Academia Publ., 2008. 336 p. ISBN 978-5-7695-4254-1. 2. Panov A.A., Anikin V.V., Boim N.G., Bez”yazychnyi V.F., Volkov V.S., Gai L.B., Grechishnikov V.A., Zaitsev A.I., Kirsanov S.V., Kokarev V.I., Lavrov G.A., Medved’ B.V., Savin V.B., Solov’ev A.P., Starosel’skii A.Z., Skhirtladze A.G., Tarapanov A.S., Farberov Z.A., Kharlamov G.A., Chekanova L.N., Chernyavskii L.B., Shestakov N.P. Obrabotka metallov rezaniem : spravochnik tekhnologa [Metalcutting: directory of industrial engineer]. 2 nd ed. Moscow, Mashinostroenie Publ., 2004. 784 p. ISBN 5-94275-049-1. 3. Markov A.M. Tekhnologicheskie osobennosti mekhanicheskoi obrabotki detalei iz kompozitsionnykh materialov [Technological features of machining of parts from composite materials]. Naukoemkie tekhnologii v mashinostroenii – Science Intensive Technologies in Mechanical Engineering , 2014, no. 7 (37), pp. 3–8. 4. Mozgovoy N.I., Mozgovaya Ya.G. Issledovaniya vliyaniya fiziko-mekhanicheskikh svoistv stekloplastikov na protsess rezaniya [Research of influence of physical and mechanical properties of the cutting process fiberglass]. Vestnik altaiskoy nauki – Bulletin of the Altai Science , 2013, no. 2-1, pp. 15–19. 5. Mozgovoy N.I., Markov A.M., Dots M.V. Stekloplastik i osobennosti ego mekhanicheskoi obrabotki [Glass- fiber material and features of its machining]. Saarbrücken, Germany, LAP Lambert Academic Publ., 2012. 100 p. 6. Mozgovoy N.I., Markov A.M., Mozgovaya Ya.G. Problemy i perspektivy primeneniya plasticheskikh materialov dlya detalei mashinostroeniya [Problems and perspectives of the use of plastic materials for machine parts]. Polzunovskii al’manakh – Polzunov Almanac , 2013, no. 2, pp. 92–95. 7. Mozgovoy N.I., Mozgovaya Ya.G., Pashkova E.A., [Experimental studies of internal defects of plastic materials by non-destructive testing]. Innovatsii v mashinostroenii (InMash–2015): VII Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno- prakticheskaya konferentsiya : sbornik trudov [Innovations in mechanical engineering: VII International scientific and practical conference: materials]. Kemerovo, 2015, pp. 512–515. (In Russian) 8. Mozgovoy N.I., Mozgovaya Ya.G., Pashkova E.A. Primenenie akusticheskogo metoda kontrolya dlya detalei iz kompozitsionnykh materialov [The use of acoustic control method for parts made of composite materials]. Obrabotka metallov (tekhnologiya, oborudovanie, instrumenty) – Metal Working and Material Science, 2015, no. 3 (68), pp. 42– 48. doi: 10.17212/1994-6309-2015-3-42-48 9. Bondar’ E.B., Markov A.M. Problemy obrabotki plastmass rezaniem [Problems processing plastic cutting]. Obrabotka metallov (tekhnologiya, oborudovanie, instrumenty) – Metal Working and Material Science , 2004, no. 2, pp. 20–21. 10. Kobelev A.G., Sharonov M.A., Kobelev O.A., Sharonova V.P. Materialovedenie. Tekhnologiya kompozitsionnykh materialov [Materials science. The technology of composite materials]. Moscow, Knorus Publ., 2014. 270 p. 11. Kalinichenko N.P., Kalinichenko A.N. Vizual’nyi i izmeritel’nyi kontrol’ [Visual and measurement control]. Tomsk, TPU Publ., 2009. 300 p. 12. RD 03–606–03. Instruction for the visual and measurement control. Moscow, STC “Industrial Safety” Publ., 2004. 101 p. (In Russian) Available at: http://gostrf.com/normadata/1/4294816/4294816743.pdf (accessed 11.11.2016)