Obrabotka Metallov. 2016 no. 4(73)

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 4 (73) 2016 23 ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ. инструменты 17. Popov V.Y., Yanyushkin A.S., Medvedeva O.I., Skeeba V.Yu. Kontaktnye protsessy pri almaznoi obrabotke instrumental’nykh materialov [Contact processes in diamond processing of tool materials]. Sistemy. Metody. Tekh­ nologii – Systems. Methods. Technologies , 2014, no. 3 (23), pp. 68–74. 18. Skeeba V., Pushnin V., Erohin I., Kornev D. Integration of production steps on a single equipment. Materials and Manufacturing Processes , 2015, vol. 30, iss. 12, pp. 1408–1411. doi: 10.1080/10426914.2014.973595 19. Smagin G.I., Filimonenko V.N., Yakovlev N.D., Korchagin M.A., Skeeba V.Yu. Shlifoval’nyi instrument na osnove silikokarbida titana [The grinding tool on a basis titan silicon carbide]. Obrabotka metallov (tekhnologiya, oborudovanie, instrumenty) – Metal Working and Material Science , 2011, no. 1, pp. 27–30. 20. Ivancivsky V.V., Skeeba V.Yu. Povyshenie poverkhnostnoi mikrotverdosti stali pri integratsii poverkhnost- no-termicheskoi i finishnoi mekhanicheskoi obrabotok [Increased surface microhardness of steel in the integration of surface-thermal and mechanical finishing treatments]. Nauchnyi vestnik Novosibirskogo gosudarstvennogo tekh­ nicheskogo universiteta – Science bulletin of the Novosibirsk state technical university , 2006, no. 3, pp. 187–192. 21. Ivancivsky V.V., Skeeba V.Yu., Pushnin V.N. Metodika naznacheniya rezhimov obrabotki pri sovmeshchenii operatsii abrazivnogo shlifovaniya i poverkhnostnoi zakalki TVCh [Methods of appointment processing conditions when combining the operations of abrasive grinding and surface induction hardening]. Obrabotka metallov (tekh­ nologiya, oborudovanie, instrumenty) – Metal Working and Material Science , 2011, no. 4, pp. 19–25. 22. Skeeba V.Yu., Ivancivsky V.V., Kutyshkin A.V., Parts K.A. Hybrid processing: the impact of mechanical and surface thermal treatment integration onto the machine parts quality. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering , 2016, vol. 126, p. 012016. doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/126/1/012016 23. Ivancivsky V., Parts K., Popov V. Depth distribution of temperature in steel parts during surface hardening by high frequency currents. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2015, vol. 788, pp. 129–135. doi: 10.4028/www. scientific.net/AMM.788.129 24. Zamashchikov Y.I. Duality in metal cutting: impact to the surface layer residual stress. Materials and Manu­ facturing Processes, 2006, vol. 21, iss. 5, pp. 551–566. doi: 10.1080/10426910500471706 25. Sivukhin D.V. Obshchii kurs fiziki. Termodinamika i molekulyarnaya fizika [General physics course. Thermo- dynamics and molecular physics]. Moscow, Fizmatlit Publ., 1970. 565 p. Funding This work performed under the state task. Registration number of research: 927. Article history Received 3 October 2016 Revised 17 October 2016 Accepted 4 November 2016