Obrabotka Metallov. 2017 no. 1(74)

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 1 (74) 2017 18 ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ Abstract The paper studied the influence of films formed by epilamization on the performance properties of the fuel pump parts. Durability and contact stiffness of the surfaces after grinding and grinding+ epilamization in the 6SFK-180-05 lubricant composition are compared. Wear of the steel 45 samples in the raw and heat-treated state are performed on the 2070 SMF-1 friction test machine using a “drive-block” scheme. The results indicate that the surface after com- bined treatment (grinding+ epilamization) has a higher wear resistance compared with ground, both during running- in stage and at steady-state wear. Tests on contact stiffness of the ICE fuel pump parts (stop drive and control plates) performed in a special unit, simulating the operation of the regulator, shown that epilamization reduces the width and depth of the crushing grooves in comparison with the same parameters measured on the grinding surface. These parameters reduction is indicative of the contact surfaces with the epilam film coating stiffness increase. To find out the cause of the epilamization effect on the studied performance properties, further microgeomet- ric and physical and mechanical characteristics of the surface layer, in particular, the surface roughness (Ra) and microhardness (Hμ) before and after epilamization and oil-retaining properties of these surfaces are investigated. Epilamization does not alter microhardness and roughness but increases oil-retention of the surface. In view of the immutability of microgeometric and physical and mechanical properties of the surface after epilamation, the increase in the wear resistance and the contact stiffness due to improved oil-retaining properties of the film coating surface are assumed. Keywords epilamization, epilam, vehicle parts, surface roughness, microhardness, performance properties, wear resistance, contact stiffness, oil-retaining properties. DOI: 10.17212/1994-6309-2017-1-13-19 References 1. Semenov А.P. The role of epilames in tribology. Journal of Friction and Wear , 2010, vol. 31, iss. 6, pp. 469– 480. doi: 10.3103/S1068366610060103 2. Sviridenok A.I., Krautsevich A.V., Mikulich S.I., Ihnatouski M.I., Lysenko V.I., Bardachanov S.P. Tribologi- cal properties of thin coatings based on epilams modified by nanosized silica. Journal of Friction and Wear, 2014, vol. 35, iss. 3, pp. 161–169. doi: 10.3103/S1068366614030143 3. Murmanskii B.E. Povyshenie nadezhnosti raboty sistem paroraspredeleniya turbin v usloviyakh ekspluatatsii [Increase of reliability of work of systems of steam distribution of turbines under operating conditions]. Energosber- ezhenie i vodopodgotovka – Energy Saving and Water Treatment, 2015, no. 1 (93), pp. 10–12. 4. Doshchechkina I.V., D’yachenko S.S., Ponomarenko I.V., Tatarkina I.S. Improving the plasticity of thin cold-rolled steel sheet for cold stamping. Steel in Translation, 2016, vol. 46, iss. 5, pp. 364–367. doi: 10.3103/ S0967091216050053 5. Vokhidov A.S., Malkov M.V., Dolganov V.J. Metody povysheniya iznosostoikosti i resursosberezhenie za schet primeneniya epilamiruyushchikh sostavov [Methods of endurance and resource saving heightening at use epi- laminar mixtures]. Trenie i smazka v mashinakh i mekhanizmakh – Friction & Lubrication in Machines and Mecha- nisms , 2007, no. 1, pp. 9–12. 6. Movshovich А.Ya., Deryabkina E.S., Ishchenko М.G., Fedoseevа М.E. Povyshenie iznosostoikosti napravly- ayushchikh elementov shtampovoi osnastki metodom epilamirovaniya [Increasing of wear resistance of the guide elements of die by the of tooling method epilamirising]. Obrabotka materialov davleniem – Material Working by Pressure , 2012, no. 4 (33), pp. 232–236. 7. Fisenko P.P., Ischenko S.A., Inshakov S.V. Primenenie epilamirovannykh kutternykh nozhei v myasoperera- batyvayushchei promyshlennosti [Use of epilamated cutter knives in the meat processing industry]. Myasnaya indus- triya – Meat Industry , 2012, no. 11, pp. 34–35. 8. Morozov A.V. Experimental estimate of tribological characteristics of epilam-coated materials that operate in threaded joints under dry friction. Journal of Friction and Wear, 2014, vol. 35, iss. 3, pp. 170–176. doi: 10.3103/ S106836661403009X 9. Fisenko P.P., Ishchenko S.A., Inshakov S.V., Balabanov V.I. Vliyanie epilamirovaniya na intensivnost’ iznashivaniya kutternykh nozhei [Impact of the epilamation on the wear rate of the cutter knives]. Mekhanizatsiya i elektrifikatsiya sel’skogo khozyaistva – Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture , 2011, no. 6, pp. 27–29.