Actual Problems in Machine Building 2017 Vol. 4 No. 1
Актуальные проблемы в машиностроении . Том 4. № 1. 2017 Материаловедение в машиностроении ____________________________________________________________________ 111 CREEP AND FATIGUE OF METALS FROM THE STANDPOINT OF THE KINETIC CONCEPT OF FRACTURE Petrov M.G. , Ph.D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, Leading researcher, e-mail: Siberian Aeronautical Research Institute named after S. A. Chaplygin, 21 Polzunov st., Novosibirsk, 630051, Russian Federation Abstract The creep of metallic alloys is considered as a thermally activated process. Analysis of test results that are conducted at various thermo-temporal conditions has revealed physical laws of deformation and failure which are used then for construction of structural material models. These models describe amplitude relationships of inelasticity of materials and associate them with a distribution of internal stresses over volume of solids. They reproduce in calculations micro plastic strains that initiate the fatigue fracture. Inasmuch as temperature and time appear in the differential equations of physical kinetics in an explicit form, the problem on prediction of materials longevity under arbitrary thermally and forced conditions is solved. Keywords creep, fatigue, plastic flow, inelastic strains, internal stresses, failure, strength, longevity
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