Actual Problems in Machine Building 2017 Vol. 4 No. 1

Актуальные проблемы в машиностроении . Том 4. № 1. 2017 Технологическое оборудование, оснастка и инструменты ____________________________________________________________________ 87 ANALYSIS OF DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF SYNCHRONOUS ELECTROMAGNETIC MACHINES SHOCK ACTIONS WITH REVERSING THE SPRINGS PEEN Neyman L.A. , Ph.D. (Engineering), Assistant Professor, e-mail: Schurov N.I. , D.Sc. (Engineering), Professor, e-mail: Novosibirsk State Technical University, 20 Prospect K. Marksa, Novosibirsk, 630073, Russian Federation Abstract Electromechanical vibration shock system, the basic structural unit of which is an electromagnetic actuator, used in various industries for many technological processes and production. A promising area of research in this area is to improve the machinery with high energy impact on the basis of the electromagnetic actuator of the vibrational motion, working in near- resonance, and resonant modes with a frequency up to 100 Hz. Improving the efficiency of the electric drive is possible only if a rational choice of interrelated parameters of the electrical, magnetic and mechanical sub-systems for the analysis of which is still at the design stage there is a need for dynamic analysis. The analysis of the dynamic characteristics of a synchronous electromagnetic percussion machine with spring reversing the striker when excited periodic shock pulse strength and interaction with deformable media. An algorithm for the calculation and considered an example of numerical implementation of a mathematical model of the electromagnetic shock assembly containing multimass oscillating system with elastic links and receiving power from the power frequency voltage. Keywords stroke unit, a synchronous electromagnetic machine, mathematical model, the mechanical oscillation system, elastic ties, Lagrange equations