Actual Problems in Machine Building 2017 Vol. 4 No. 2

Актуальные проблемы в машиностроении . Том 4. № 2. 2017 Материаловедение в машиностроении ____________________________________________________________________ 137 Список литературы 1. Теория и технология азотирования / Ю.М. Лахтин, Я.Д. Коган, Г.-И. Шпис и др. – М.: Металлургия, 1991. – 320 с. 2. Белый А.В., Кукареко В.А., Патеюк А. Инженерия поверхностей конструкционных материалов концентрированными потоками ионов азота. – Минск: Белорусская наука, 2007. – 244 с. 3. Сандомирский С.Г . Применение полюсного намагничивания в магнитном структурном анализе (обзор) // Дефектоскопия. – 2006. – № 9. – С. 36–64. 4. Зацепин Н.Н. Метод высших гармоник в неразрушающем контроле. – Минск: Наука и техника, 1980. – 320 с. 5. Белый А.В., Кукареко В.А., Сандомирский С.Г . Влияние режимов ионно-лучевого азотирования на структуру, микротвердость и магнитные свойства диффузионного слоя на аустенитной стали // МиТОМ. – 2009. – № 3 (645). – С. 9–14. 6. Суховаров В.Ф. Прерывистое выделение фаз в сплавах. – Новосибирск: Наука, 1983. – 168 c. 7. Greer А. Changes in structure and properties associated with the transition from the amorphous to the nanocrystalline state // Nanostructured materials: NATO ASI Series. – 1998. – N 50. – P. 143. STRUCTURE, PHYSICAL AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF AUSTENITIC STEEL 10X17H13M2T PROCESSED BY NITROGEN IONS Kukareko V.A. , D.Sc. (Physical-Mathematics), Associate Professor, e-mail: The State Scientific Institution “Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”, 12 Akademicheskaya str., Minsk, 220072, Republic of Belarus Abstract The structure of austenitic steel 10X17H13M2T subjected to ion-beam nitriding in the temperature range of 620-870 K was investigated. It was found that the ion-beam treatment is accompanied by the formation of nanosized chromium nitride CrN particles and ferromagnetic α-Fe in the surface layers contributing to a significant strengthening of the nitride layer and giving it ferromagnetic properties. It was shown that the change in ion-beam nitriding regimes can ensure the formation of the modified layer with required microhardness, wear resistance and magnetic properties. The optimum temperature range of ion-beam treatment for obtaining the highest microhardness of the 10X17H13M2T steel surface is 720-770 K. The maximum of magnetic penetrability of the nitrided layer is achieved after ion-beam treatment at 670-720 K, while the maximum of coercive force is obtained after ion nitriding at 770-820 K. The highest wear resistance of the surface layers of the 10X17H13M2T steel is obtained after ion-beam treatment at 720-870 K. Keywords austenitic steel, ion-beam nitriding phase composition, magnetic properties, microhardness, wear resistance