Actual Problems in Machine Building 2017 Vol. 4 No. 3

Actual Problems in Machine Building. Vol. 4. N 3. 2017 Technological Equipment, Machining Attachments and Instruments ____________________________________________________________________ 48 3. ГОСТ Р ИСО 7206-10–2005. Имплантаты для хирургии. Эндопротезы тазобедренного сустава частичные и тотальные. Ч. 10. Определение сопротивления статической нагрузке модульных бедренных головок. – М.: Стандартинформ, 2006. INCREASED RESISTANCE TO STATIC LOADS CERAMIC HEADS HIP. TEST FOR STATIC COMPRESSION Desyatov S.Yu. , Master's Degree Student, e-mail: Novosibirsk State Technical University, 20 Prospect K. Marksa, Novosibirsk, 630073, Russian Federation Abstract In imported active substitution conditions of products produced in Russia, it becomes relevant to ensure compliance with the mechanical characteristics and quality of products to international standards. To improve the competitiveness of "NEVZ-CERAMICS" products together with the Novosibirsk State Technical University realized the complex of technological measures. The analysis of the construction and technological manufacturing process of the femoral-head prosthesis. Manufacturing process operation putting in of stress concentrator which reduces the strength of the product was exposed. Several changing ways of technological process to increase the strength of the femoral-head-prosthesis at static compression were proposed. After making changes in technological process of manufacturing repeated tests on static compression according to GOST R ISO 7206-10-2005 were exposed. Keywords ceramic, endoprosthesis, total hip endoprosthesis, crude ceramics processing, lathe work, forming tool