Actual Problems in Machine Building 2017 Vol. 4 No. 4

Actual Problems in Machine Building. Vol. 4. N 4. 2017 Materials Science in Machine Building ____________________________________________________________________ 122 сборник научных трудов: в 9 ч. / под ред. Ю.В. Ванаг. – Новосибирск: Изд-во НГТУ, 2016. – Ч. 3. – С. 210–211. 5. Sun Z., Ion J.C. Review laser welding of dissimilar metal combinations // Journal of Materials Science. – 1995. – Vol. 30. – P. 4205–4214. 6. Progress in the characterization of explosively joined Ti/Ni bimetals / K. Topolski, P. Wiecinski, Z. Szulc, A. Galka, H. Garbacz // Materials and Design. – 2014. – Vol. 63. – P. 479– 497. 7. Control of energetic conditions by employing interlayer of different thickness for explosive welding of titanium/304 stainless steel / P. Manikandana, K. Hokamoto, M. Fujita, K. Raghukandan, R. Tomoshige // Journal of Materials Processing Technology. – 2008. – Vol. 195. – P. 232–240. 8. Захаренко И.Д . Сварка взрывом. – Минск: Наука и техника, 1990. – 205 с. 9. Yurko G.A., Barton J.W., Parr J.G. The crystal structure of Ti2Ni // Acta Crystallographica. – 1959. – Vol. 12. – P. 909–911. STRUCTURE AND STRENGTH OF TITANIUM AND NICKEL ALLOY JOINTS EXPLOSIVELY WELDED THROUGH INTERLAYERS Fomina D.E. , Student, e-mail: Alikina M.S ., Student, e-mail: Haybulin E.V ., Student, e-mail: Novosibirsk State Technical University, 20 Prospect K. Marksa, Novosibirsk, 630073, Russian Federation Abstract In the current research, results of microstructure and mechanical properties of explosively welded four-layered Ti-Ta–Cu–Ni alloy and Ti–Ta–Ni–Ni alloy, where Ta–Cu and Ta–Ni are interlayers, were presented. As titanium with nickel form undesirable intermetallic compounds (such as Ti 2 Ni, TiNi, TiNi 3 ) one of the solutions of this problem based on introduction between them the intermediate layers. One of the objectives was to determine the appropriate thickness of the intermediate layer, which provides a high strength of multilayered compositions. Thus, in research by explosive welding was obtained joints varied by the thickness of tantalum plate from 0.3 to 0.7 mm. Microstructural studies of multilayered compositions with different thickness of tantalum plate indicate on the formation of defect-free joints with various types of weld geometry. Results of tensile tests have shown that strength of the composition is determined both by the thickness of tantalum as well as by the material of the intermediate layer. In composition with copper-tantalum intermediate layer, strength is determined by the weakest component is copper. From the other side composition with nickel-tantalum intermediate layer, the strength was determined by the thickness of tantalum plate. The highest strength properties (ultimate strength 1200 MPa) were observed for composite with tantalum of 0.3 mm thick. Keywords Titanium, nickel, tantalum, copper, explosion welding, interlayers