Actual Problems in Machine Building 2018 Vol. 5 No. 1-2

Actual Problems in Machine Building. Vol. 5. N 1-2. 2018 Technological Equipment, Machining Attachments and Instruments ____________________________________________________________________ 58 Список литературы 1. Kudryashov E.A., Nikonov А.M., Stetsurin A.V. General approach to the optimization of machining by composite tools // Russian Engineering Research. – 2008. – Vol. 28, N 6. – P. 611– 613. – doi: 10.3103/S1068798x08060221. 2. Кудряшов Е.А., Лунин Д.Ю., Павлов Е.В. Преимущества лезвийной технологии обработки деталей инструментом из композита // Фундаментальные и прикладные проблемы техники и технологии. – 2011. – № 5. – С. 77–80. 3. De Vos P., Stahl J.E. Applied metal cutting physics: best practice. – Fagersta: SECO Tools AB, 2016. – 163 p. 4. Carou D., Rubio E.M., Davim J.P. Discontinuous cutting: failure mechanisms, tool materials and temperature study – a review // Reviews on Advanced Materials Science. – 2014. – Vol. 38, N 2. – P. 110–124. 5. Altintas Y. Manufacturing automation: metal cutting mechanics, machine tool vibrations, and CNC design. – New York: Cambrdige University Press, 2012. – 366 p. – ISBN 978-05-118- 4372-3. 6. Алтухов А.Ю., Лунин Д.Ю., Фомичев Е.Н. Технологические преимущества инструментального материала композит при обработке конструктивно сложных поверхностей деталей // Известия Волгоградского государственного технического университета. – 2010. – № 12 (72). – С. 15–20. 7. Analysis of PCBN cutting tool intermittent cutting hardened steel finite element simulation based on deform / S. Hao et al. // Tool Engineering. – 2015. – Vol. 5. – P. 41. 8. Zhou Y.H. The application and performance of diamond and PCBN tools in difficult-to-cut materials // Solid State Phenomena. – 2017. – N 263. – P. 90–96. 9. Кудряшов Е.А., Смирнов И.М. К вопросу выбора предпочтительной марки инструментального материала // Известия Юго-Западного государственного университета. – 2014. – № 1 (52). – С. 81–85. 10. Using superhard tools in discontinuous cutting / E.A. Kudryashov, А.M. Nikonov, V.S. Rogovskii, A.V. Stetsurin // Russian Engineering Research. – 2009. – Vol. 29, N 2. – P. 210–213. – doi: 10.3103/S1068798X09020221. 11. The application of CBN on the lunar rock drill / D. Zhao et al. // 5th International Conference on Advanced Engineering Materials and Technology (AEMT 2015). – Guangzhou, China, 2015. – P. 789–793. 12. Jin Z.J., Bao Y.J., Gao H. Disfigurement formation and control in drilling carbon fibre reinforced composites // International Journal of Materials and Product Technology. – 2008. – Vol. 31, N 1. – P. 46–53. 13. Abhishek K., Datta S., Mahapatra S.S. Optimization of thrust, torque, entry, and exist delamination factor during drilling of CFRP composites // The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. – 2015. – Vol. 76, N 1–4. – P. 401–416. 14. Stahl J.E. Metal cutting: theories and models. – Lund: Lund University, 2012. – 580 p. – ISBN 978-91-637-1336-1. 15. Kudryashov E.A., Stetsurin A.V. More efficient repair of machine parts by a group method // Russian Engineering Research. – 2008. – Vol. 28, N 9. – P. 924–925. – doi: 10.3103/S1068798X08090232.