Actual Problems in Machine Building 2018 Vol. 5 No. 3-4

Актуальные проблемы в машиностроении. Том 5. № 3-4. 2018 Материаловедение в машиностроении ____________________________________________________________________ 111 4. 3-D Printing Manufacturing Process is Here [Electronic resource] // Independent global forum for the Unmanned Aircraft Systems community, UAS Vision. – URL: 5. A comparison of laser additive manufacturing using gas and plasma-atomized Ti-6Al-4V powders / M.N. Ahsan et. al. // Innovative Developments in Virtual and Physical Prototyping. – London: Taylor & Francis Group, 2012. 6. Khoshnevis B. , et al. Metallic part fabrication using selective inhibition sintering (SIS) [Electronic resource] / Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering University of South California. – Los Angeles, CA, USA. – URL: 7. Еременко В.Н., Найдич Ю.В. Спекание в присутствии жидкой металлической фазы. – Киев: Наукова думка, 1968. – 123 с. 8. Shingu P.H. Mechanical alloying // Proceedings of the International Symp. on Mechanical Alloying, Kyoto, Japan. – Brookfield, USA: Trans. Tech. Publications c/o Ashgate Publishing Co., 1992. – Р. 828. 9. Hohmann M., Brooks G., Spiegelhauer C. Production methods and applications for high- quaIity metaI powders and sprayformed products. Produktionsmethoden und Anwendungen fur qualitativ hochwertige Metallpulver und spruhkompaktierte Halbzeuge // Stahl und Eisen. – 2005. – Vol. 125. – P. 258. 10. ГОСТ 9450–76. Измерение микротвердости вдавливанием алмазных наконечников = Measurments microhardness by diamond instruments indentation. – Переизд. март 1993 г. с изм. 1, 2; введ. 01.01.77. – М.: Изд-во стандартов, 1993. – 35 с. 11. Влияние прокатки и термической обработки на структуру и свойства слоев, сформированных на титановых заготовках методом электронно-лучевой наплавки / В.В. Самойленко и др. // Обработка металлов (технология, оборудование, инструменты). – 2015. – № 2. – С. 55–63. 12. Composition-dependent magnitude of atomic shuffles in Ti–Nb martensites / M. Bönisch et al. // Journal of Applied Crystallography. – 2014. – Vol. 47, N 4. – P. 1374–1379. 13. A study on the mechanical properties of ti-8ta-3nb alloy for biomaterials / K.W. Lee et al. // KSME International Journal. – 2004. – Vol. 18, N 12. – P. 2204–2208. 14. Afonso C.R.M., Chaves J.M., Florêncio O. Effect of rapid solidification on microstructure and elastic modulus of β Ti–xNb–3Fe alloys for implant applications // Advanced Engineering Materials. – 2017. – Vol. 19, N 6. 15. A study on thermal properties and α (hcp)→ β (bcc) phase transformation energetics in Ti–5 mass% Ta–1.8 mass% Nb alloy using inverse drop calorimetry / M. Behera et al. // International Journal of Thermophysics. – 2010. – Vol. 31, N 11–12. – P. 2246–2263.