Actual Problems in Machine Building 2018 Vol. 5 No. 3-4

Актуальные проблемы в машиностроении. Том 5. № 3-4. 2018 Материаловедение в машиностроении ____________________________________________________________________ 123 2. Rapid manufacturing of metal components by laser forming / E.C. Santosa, M. Shiomi, K. Osakada, T. Laoui // International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture. – 2006. – Vol. 46. – P. 1459–1468. 3. Ludovico A.D., Angelastro A., Campanelli S.L. Experimental analysis of the direct laser metal deposition process // New trends in technologies: devices, computer, communication and industrial systems. – Rijeka: Sciyo, 2010. – P. 253–272. 4. Зеленко М.А., Нагайцев М.В., Довбыш В.М. Аддитивные технологии в машиностроении: пособие для инженеров. – М.: НАМИ, 2015. – 220 с. 5. The influence of processing parameters on the mechanical properties of SLM parts / P. Hanzl, M. Zetek, T. Bakša, T. Kroupa // Procedia Engineering. – 2015. – Vol. 100. – P. 1405–1413. 6. Technological possibilities of laser cladding with the help of powerful fiber lasers / G.A. Turichin, E.V. Zemlyakov, E.Yu. Pozdeeva, J. Tuominen, P. Vuoristo // Metal Science and Heat Treatment. – 2012. – Vol. 54. – P. 139–144. 7. Technological foundations of high-speed direct laser deposition of products by the method of heterophase powder metallurgy / G. Turichin, О. Klimova, Е. Zemlyakov, К. Babkin, V. Somov // Fotonika. – 2015. – N 4. – P. 68–83. 8. Шабров Н.Н. Реальные достижения виртуальной реальности // Rational Enterprise Management. – 2011. – № 2. – С. 46–48. 9. ОАО «Вилс» [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: (дата обращения: 13.03.2018). 10. Технологии. Инжиниринг. Инновации [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: zharoprochnyj-granuliruemyj-splav-bb751p-dlya-dvigatelya-pd-14/ (дата обращения: 13.03.2018). 11. Колачев Б.А., Елагин В.И., Ливанов В.А. Металловедение и термическая обработка цветных металлов и сплавов: учебник для вузов. – 3-е изд. – М.: МИСИС, 1999. – 416 с. 12. Dindaa G.P., Dasguptaa A.K., Mazumderb J. Laser aided direct metal deposition of Inconel 625 superalloy: microstructural evolution and thermal stability // Materials Science and Engineering A. – 2009. – Vol. 509. – P. 98–104. 13. Mechanical behavior of post-processed Inconel 718 manufactured through the electron beam melting process / M.M. Kirka, F. Medinac, R. Deho ff a, A. Okello // Materials Science & Engineering A. – 2017. – Vol. 680. – P. 338–346. 14. Study of selective laser melting (SLM) Inconel 718 part surface improvement by electrochemical polishing / Zh. Baicheng, L. Xiaohua, B. Jiaming, G. Junfeng, W. Pan, S. Chen- nan, N. Muiling, Q. Guojun, W. Jun // Materials & Design. – 2017. – Vol. 116. – P. 531–537. 15. Laser rapid forming of SS316L/Rene88DT graded material / X. Lin, T.M. Yue, H.O. Yang, W.D. Huangb // Materials Science and Engineering A. – 2005. –Vol. 391. – P. 325–336.