Obrabotka Metallov 2018 Vol. 20 No. 3

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV Vol. 20 No. 3 2018 16 TECHNOLOGY 2. Ivashchenko A.P. Analiz sposobov povysheniya stoikosti materialov rezhushchikh instrumentov [Analysis of ways to increase the durability of cutting tool materials]. Mezhdunarodnyi zhurnal prikladnykh i fundamental’nykh issledovanii = International journal of applied and fundamental research , 2015, no. 12 (3), pp. 389–392. 3. Taranukha G.V. Primenenie kompozitsionnykh materialov dlya rezhushchikh instrumentov v metalloobrabotke [Application of composite materials for cutting tools in metalworking]. Al’manakh sovremennoi nauki i obrazovaniya = Almanac of Modern Science and Education , 2013, no. 9 (76), pp. 171–172. 4. Sereda B.P., Kruglyak D.O. [Formation of wear-resistant coatings on copper alloys under SHS conditions]. Inzheneriya poverkhnostnogo sloya detalei mashin : sbornik materialov II Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno- prakticheskoi konferentsii [Proceedings 2 nd International scientific-practical conference “Engineering of the surface layer of machine parts”]. Minsk, 2010, pp. 96–97. (In Russian). 5. Il’ichev L.L., Rudakov V.I., Klevkov G.V., Klevtsova N.A. Povyshenie iznosostoikosti i korrozionnoi stoikosti izdelii iz konstruktsionnykh i instrumental’nykh stadii putem naneseniya ionno-plazmennykh pokrytii [Increase of wear resistance and corrosion resistance of products from structural and tool steels by applying ion- plasma coatings]. Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya = Modern problems of science and education , 2006, no. 6, pp. 45–46. 6. Chekalova E.A., Chekalov P.D. Povyshenie iznosostoikosti rezhushchego instrumenta putem diffuznogo setchatogo pokrytiya [Increasing the wear resistance of the cutting tool by diffuse mesh coating]. Izvestiya MGTU “MAMI” , 2014, no. 1 (19), pp. 230–233. (In Russian). 7. Klimenko S.A., Kopeikina M.Yu. Povyshenie effektivnosti protsessov obrabotki instrumentami s PSTM na osnove KNB [Increasing the efficiency of processing processes with tools based on NSC]. Otkrytye informatsionnye i komp’yuternye integrirovannye tekhnologii [Open information and computer integrated technologies]. Khar’kov, 2012, iss. 55, pp. 79–83. 8. Stancioiu A., Csofu F. Research on increasing active life of cutting tools. Fiabilitate şi Durabilitate , 2012, no. 1, pp. 212–217. 9. Yasa E., Kruth J. Application of laser re-melting on Selective laser melting parts. Advances in Production Engineering and Management , 2011, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 259–270. 10. Dutta В., Palaniswamy S., Choi J., Song L.J., Mazumder J. Additive manufacturing by direct metal de- position . Advanced Materials & Processes , 2011, vol. 169, no. 5, pp. 33–36. 11. Kruglov I.A. Neural networks modeling of multivariable vector functions in ill-posed approximation problems. Journal of Computer and System Sciences International , 2013, vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 503–518. 12. Luo M., Luo H., Zhang D., Tang K. Improving tool life in multi-axis milling of Ni-based superalloy with ball-end cutter based on the active cutting edge shift strategy. Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 2018, vol. 252, pp. 105–115. 13. Binder M., Klocke F., Lung D. Tool wear simulation of complex shaped coated cutting tools. Wear , 2015, vol. 330–331, pp. 600–607. 14. Kianinejad K., Uhlmann E., Peuker B. The influence of the cooling conditions on the cutting tool wear and the chip formation mechanism. Procedia CIRP , 2015, no. 26, pp. 533–538. 15. Willian A. Tribological and wear behavior of HfN/VN nanomultilayer coated cutting tools. Ingeniería e Investigación , 2014, no. 34, pp. 22–28. 16. Dreval’A., Vasilev V., Vinogradov D., Malkov O. Measuring diagnostic stand for experimental researches in technology machining. Nauka i Obrazovanie , 2014, no. 12, pp. 22–58. 17. Yusimit Z., Yoandrys M., Arlys L., Roberto B. Influence of the cutting parameters on flank wear of coated inserts during turning of AISI 316L. Enfoqute , 2015, no. 6, pp. 13–24. 18. Kovalevskii S.V., Tulupov V.I., Tulupova E.V. Razrabotka i issledovanie metoda kontrolya detalei mash- in na osnove effekta akusticheskoi emissii [Development and research of the method of control of machine parts based on the effect of acoustic emission]. Naukovii Vіsnik Donbas’koї derzhavnoї mashinobudіvnoї akademії = Scientific Herald of the DSEA , 2014, no. 3 (15E), pp. 50–55. 19. Kovalevskii S.V., Nagieva A.I. Akusticheskii kontrol’ razmerov i pokazatelei sherоkhovatosti pover- khnostei detalei s primeneniem neirosetevykh modelei [Acoustic control of dimensions and indicators of sur-