Actual Problems in Machine Building 2019 Vol. 6 No. 1-4

Актуальные проблемы в машиностроении. Том 6. № 1-4. 2019 Инновационные технологии в машиностроении ____________________________________________________________________ 103 заготовок малой жесткости направляющих линейных подшипников / В. Н. Тышкевич, А. В. Саразов // Взаимодействие предприятий и вузов – наука, кадры, новые технологии : 14 межрегион. науч.-практ. конф., Волжский, 18 окт. 2018 г. : сб. докл. конф. – Волгоград ; Волжский, 2018. – C. 42–50. 15. Tyshkevich V. N. Determination of optimal conditions for flat grinding of 20 Kh steel workpieces / V. N. Tyshkevich, V. A. Nosenko, A. V. Sarazov // Proceedings of the 4 international conference on industrial engineering (ICIE–2018) (Moscow, 15–18 May 2018). – Springer, 2018. – P. 1279–1285. – (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering). 16. Пат. 2647724 Российская Федерация, МПК B24B1/00, B24B7/04, B24B7/16 Способ шлифования на станках с круглым магнитным столом торцов детали в виде кольца / В. Н. Тышкевич, В. А. Носенко, А. В. Саразов, С. В. Орлов ; патентообладатель ВолгГТУ. – № 2016131974 ; заявл. 03.08.16 ; опубл. 19.03.18. 17. Тышкевич В. Н. Повышение эффективности плоского шлифования заготовок направляющих линейных подшипников малой жесткости / В. Н. Тышкевич, А. В. Саразов // Взаимодействие предприятий и вузов – наука, кадры, новые технологии : 14 межрегион. науч.-практ. конф., Волжский, 18 окт. 2018 г. : сб. докл. конф. – Волгоград ; Волжский, 2018. – C. 28–42. INCREASING EFFICIENCY FOR FLAT GRINDING OF SMALL-RIGID BEARINGS DETAILS Tyshkevich V.N. , Ph.D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, e-mail: Nosenko V.A. , D.Sc. (Engineering), Professor, e-mail: Volzhsky Polytechnic Institute (branch) of Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education Volgograd State Technical University, 42a Engelsa st., Volzhsky, Volgograd region, 404121, Russian Federation Abstract The authors propose the algorithm and technique of optimization the conditions for small-rigid bearings workpieces side surfaces flat grinding that guarantees obtaining the predefined quality requirements of the machined surface (surface roughness parameter Ra , absence of grinding burns, required flatness tolerance of surface, etc.) while ensuring the maximum process efficiency. The input factors (grinding wheel hardness, depth of grinding, table feed speed and run, etc.) are considered as the grinding process optimization parameters. Mathematical models of the output factors are used to limit the range of optimization parameters allowable values. The resulted efficiency is an objective function. The optimization of parameters in the range of allowable values is carried out with the view of ensuring the maximum process efficiency. The required flatness admission is provided at the second optimization stage of the workpieces by controlling the elastic deformation extent. The varied parameters at controlling the maximum elastic deformation are cutting forces, the attraction of the magnetic field of the machine table and rigidity of workpiece at a bend. The terms for providing of the required side surface flatness tolerance are determined for workpieces taking into account elastic deformation of the small-rigid workpieces under the magnetic field effect on the machine table and the radial component of the grinding force. Keywords flat grinding; small-rigid bearings workpieces; quality of machined surface; process optimization; elastic deformations