Actual Problems in Machine Building 2019 Vol. 6 No. 1-4

Actual Problems in Machine Building. Vol. 6. N 1-4. 2019 Innovative Technologies in Mechanical Engineering ____________________________________________________________________ 16 19. Применение FMEA-технологии для определения и исправления дефектов отливок в машиностроении / В. А. Гартфельдер, И. Е. Илларионов, О. В. Китова, Л. С. Секлетина, И. А. Стрельников // Литейщик России. – 2017. – № 6. – С. 18–22. 20. Исследование зоны контакта при точении стали Х12М минералокерамикой ВОК-71 / Л. С. Секлетина, А. С. Янюшкин, В. А. Гартфельдер, А. Р. Янюшкин // Вестник Брянского государственного технического университета. – 2019. – № 3 (76). – С. 45–50. DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ON THE MACHINE-BUILDING FACULTY OF THE I.N. ULIANOV CHUVASH STATE UNIVERSITY Gartfelder V.A., Ph.D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, Dean, e-mail: Yanyushkin A.S., D.Sc. (Engineering), Professor, e-mail: I.N. Ulianov Chuvash State University, 15 Moskovsky Prospekt, Cheboksary, 428015, Russian Federation Abstract The article provides information about the scientific work carried out at the machine-building department of the I.N. Ulianov Chuvash State University. The stages of the formation of scientific directions are shown, examples and significance of the realization of scientific achievements in real production are shown. The results are based on deep theoretical knowledge and practical skills, extensive organizational experience of faculty scientists in a wide range of areas - materials science and metallography, engineering technology and cutting theory, electrophysics and electrochemistry, theoretical mechanics and mathematical statistics, solid state physics and experiment planning theory, numerical decision methods and statistical processing of experimental data. The scientific research conducted today in combination with modern methods of designing, modeling and analyzing the results of theoretical constructions and experimental data open up new prospects for the development of research in science and technology. Keywords scientific direction, development, research, results, processing, cutting, contact area, tool, materials science, efficiency, perspective