Actual Problems in Machine Building 2019 Vol. 6 No. 1-4

Actual Problems in Machine Building. Vol. 6. N 1-4. 2019 Innovative Technologies in Mechanical Engineering ____________________________________________________________________ 72 13. Якобс Г. Ю. Оптимизация резания / Г. Ю. Якобс, Э. Якоб, Д. Кохан. – Москва : Машиностроение, 1987. – 279 с. 14. Болтянский В. Г. Математические методы оптимального управления / В. Г. Болтянский. – 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. – Москва : Наука, 1969. – 408 с. 15. Якимов А. В. Оптимизация процесса шлифования / А. В. Якимов. – Москва : Машиностроение, 1975. – 175 с. SYSTEM ANALYSIS OF BELT ROTATIONAL GRINDING PROCESS Stadnik T.V. , Post-graduate Student, e-mail: Bratan S.M. , D.Sc. (Engineering), Professor, e-mail: Sevastopol State University, 33 Universitetskaya st., Sevastopol, 299053, Russian Federation Abstract Development of methods which take account of changes in the behavior of the technological system over time is necessary for increase in productivity of belt rotational grinding operation. The method of construction of control cycles requires a mathematical model. It is necessary to consider the operation as a dynamic system and study its structure to build a mathematical model of the process. The system analysis of the belt rotational grinding process is based on the principles of determining the relationships between the main elements of the technological system and the characteristics of the process that must be identified in order to form a model structure that takes into account the stochastic nature of the process. The article presents a structural analysis of the belt rotational grinding process, formulated a universal structure of the model. Keywords belt rotational grinding, system analysis, technological system, subsystem, input and output parameters