Actual Problems in Machine Building 2020 Vol. 7 No. 1-2

Актуальные проблемы в машиностроении. Том 7. № 1-2. 2020 Технологическое оборудование, оснастка и инструменты ____________________________________________________________________ 99 DETERMINATION OF PARAMETERS OF MEAT GRINDER BY THE VALUE OF POWER OF THE ELECTRIC MOTOR USING FUNCTIONAL-LOGIC DESIGN METHODS Kerzhencev V. A., Ph.D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, e-mail: Perova N. V., Senior Lecturer, e-mail: Gizzatullin A. S., Student, e-mail: Trofimova Y. S., Student, e-mail: Novosibirsk State Technical University , 20 Prospekt K. Marksa, Novosibirsk, 630073, Russian Federation Abstract The proposed method of functional - logical relationships allows expanding the possibilities for calculating food processing machines, in particular, meat grinder. This method introduces the logical concepts of the relationship between the parameters of machines and mathematically describes the relationship between the links of the kinematic chains and the product, as well as between the mechanisms themselves. The method substantiates and reveals, on a specific example, the top of the connection between the links and the product in a food machine; representations of these connections by logical functions expressed by equations in alphabetical form. Logical connections that were previously hidden or not always clear for a semantic definition are disclosed using the dimensions of the variables in the equations and the introduction of new parameters. The above example (meat grinder K6 - FVP) shows the possibility of applying the proposed mathematical method to the calculation of the main technical parameters of machines, which are logically combined in a common calculation process. Keywords meat grinder, knife grids, power, electric motor, logical connections, function, parameter matching