Obrabotka Metallov 2013 No. 3

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 3 (60) 2013 102 МАТЕРИАЛОВЕДЕНИЕ Abstract The analysis of the ion-beam etching rates of the materials used in integrated circuits manufacturing is carried out. Experimental etching is carried out by the dual-beam electron-ion microscope Cross Beam 1540 EsB. The etching rate-time functions and etching rate – ion beam current functions for aluminum, phosphor – silicate glass, silicon nitride, polysilicon and thermal oxide are presented. The results show that increase of the current in some materials results in significant increase of sputtering and redeposition effects. These effects affects the rate and on the quality of etching. Based on these results the most suitable ion beam etching parameters for subsequent correction of experimental integrated circuits are determined. Keywords: focused ion beam etching, integrated circuits, scanning electron microscope. References 1. Luchinin V.V., Savenko A.Yu., Tagachenkov A.M. Metody mikro- i nanorazmernoj obrabotki materialov i kompozicij (Methods of micro-and nanoscale materials processing and compositions). Peterburgskij Zhurnal Jelektroniki , Saint Petersburg, OAO “Rossijskij nauchno-issledovatel’skij institut “Jelektronstandart”, 2005, no. 2, pp. 3-14. 2 . Luchinin V.V., Savenko A.Yu. Nanorazmernye ionno-luchevye tehnologii [Nano-scale ion-beam technology]. Nanotehnologija: fizika, processy, diagnostika, pribory. Monografija. Pod red. V.V. Luchinina, Yu.M. Tairova [Nanotechnology: physics, processes, diagnostics, devices. Monograph. Ed. V.V. Luchinina and Yu.M. Tairova]. Moskow, Fizmatlit, 2006. pp. 284-304. 3. Kuznecova M.A., Luchinin V.V., Savenko A.Yu. Izvestija Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI” , 2006. no. 2, pp. 28 - 35. 4. Volinsky A.A., Rice L., Qin W., Theodore N.D. FIB failure analysis of memory arrays. Microelectronic Engineering, 2004, no. 75, pp. 3-11. 5. Topyakova M.V., Vasil’ev V.Yu., Velichko A.A. Korrekcija submikronnyh mnogourovnevyh integral’nyh mikroshem s pomoshh’ju jelektronno-ionnogo mikroskopa [Correction of multi-level sub-micron integrated circuits using electron-ion microscope]. Sbornik trudov mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii «Jelektronnaja tehnika i tehnologii» [Proceedings of the International Conference “Electronic Equipment and Technologies”]. Kharkov, 2012, Vol. 2, pp. 42-43.