Obrabotka Metallov 2013 No. 3

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 3 (60) 2013 108 МАТЕРИАЛОВЕДЕНИЕ nov N.K., Malinin A.B., Nemytov P.I., Petrov S.E., Prudni- kov V.V., Fadeev S.N., Veis M.E. D.C. high power electron accelerators of ELV-series: status, development, applica- tions // Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 2000. Vol. 57. Iss. 3–6. P. 661-665. 15. Farayibi P.K., Folkes J., Clare A., Oyelola O. Cladding of pre-blended Ti–6Al–4V and WC powder for wear resistant applications // Surface & Coatings Technology. Vol. 206. Iss. 2–3. P. 372–377. 25 October 2011. 16. Çelik O.N. Microstructure and wear properties of WC particle reinforced composite coating on Ti6Al4V alloy produced by the plasma transferred arc method // Applied Surface Science, in press. 17. Couranta B., Hantzpergueb J.J., Avrilb L., Benayounb S. Structure and hardness of titanium surfaces carburized by pulsed laser melting with graphite addition // Journal of Materials Processing Technology.- Vol. 160. Iss. 3. – P. 374-381. 30 March 2005. Obrabotka metallov N 3 (60), July–September 2013, Pages 103-109 Production of wear-resistance coatings on titanium alloys by the method of non-vacuum electron-beam cladding 1 O.G. Lenivtseva, 1 I.A. Bataev, 2 M.G. Golkovsky, 1 V.V. Samoylenko, 1 R.A. Dostovalov. 1 Novosibirsk State Technical University, Prospekt K. Marksa, 20, Novosibirsk, 630073, Russia 2 Institute of Nuclear Physics, Prospect akademika Lavrentieva, 11, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia E-mail: lenivtseva_olga@mail.ru Abstract Structure and properties of the surface layers on titanium VT1-0, produced by by the method of non-vacuum electron-beam cladding of titanium and graphite powder mixtures are described in the article. The structure of the coatings is investigated by the means of optical and scanning electron microscopy. It is showed that the cladded layer has a high quality and a thickness of about 2 mm. The cladded layer structure is represented by high-strong crystals of a titanium carbide, distributed in a α’-Ti matrix, and undissolved graphite particles. Cladded layers under consideration have high hardness and wear resistance. Clad- ded samples wear loss is 7-fold lower compared to the material without the coating. Data obtained indicate that the technology of powder mixtures non-vacuum electron-beam cladding allows to obtain coatings with a high hardness and wear resistance on titanium VT1-0. Keywords: titanium carbide, titanium, non-vacuum electron-beam cladding, structure, wear References 1. Catherine M. Cotell, JamesA. Sprague, and FredA. Smidt, Jr. ASMHandbook. Surface Engineering. ASM International, 1994, Vol. 5. 525 p. 2. Courant B., Hantzpergue J.J., Benayoun S. Surface Treatment of titanium by laser irradiation to improve resistance to dry-sliding friction. Wear. 1999, Vol. 236, pp. 39–46. 3. Chehrghani А., Torkamany M.J., Hamedi M.J., Sabbaghzadeh J. Numerical modeling and experimental investigation of TiC formation on titanium surface pre-coated by graphite under pulsed laser irradiation. Applied Surface Science, 2012, Vol. 258, Iss. 6, pp. 2068–2076. 4. Yun E., Lee K., Lee S. Improvement of high-temperature hardness of (TiC, TiB)/Ti–6Al–4V surface composites fabricated by high-energy electron-beam irradiation. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2004, Vol. 184, pp. 74–83. 5. Ettaqi S., Hays V., Hantzpergue J.J., Saindrenan G., Remy J.C. Mechanical, structural and tribological properties of titanium nitrided by a pulsed laser. Surface & Coatings Technology, 1998, Vol. 100/101, Iss. 1–3, pp. 428–432. 6. Savalani M.M., Ng C.C., Li Q.H., Man H.C. In situ formation of titanium carbide using titanium and carbon-nanotube powders by laser cladding. Applied Surface Science, 2012, Vol. 258, Iss. 7, pp. 3173–3177. 7. Golkovski M.G., Bataev I.A., Bataev A.A., Ruktuev A.A., Zhuravina T.V., Kuksanov N.K., Salimov R.A., Bataev V.A. Atmospheric electron-beam surface alloying of titanium with tantalum. Materials Science & Engineering, 2013, Vol. 578, pp. 310–317. 8. Bataev I.A., Zhuravina T.V., Ruktuev A.A., Lenivceva O.G., Romashova Yu.N. Obrabotka metallov: tehnologija, oborudovanie, instrument , 2012, no. 3(56), pp. 56–59.