Obrabotka Metallov 2013 No. 3

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 3 (60) 2013 114 МАТЕРИАЛОВЕДЕНИЕ Abstract The structure and mechanical properties of 13-layered composites produced by explosive welding of carbon steel 20 and maraging steel Н18К9М5Т plates is investigated. The toughness gain of the composite was 20 % in comparison with the original steel 20. The experimental value of the multilayer composition tensile strength is 27 % higher than the calculated value. Strength improvement is due to strain hardening and weld-fabricated package subsequent heat treatment. The characteristics of the structural changes taking place in the areas of interfacing disparate steel plates are investigated by the methods of metallographic analysis. The formation of the straight and wave-shaped welded joints is due to the peculiarities of the pressure distribution in the contact points of plates at different distances from the explosive. The regions of the heavily deformed material, recrystallized material and vortex zones with a cast structure are studied by electron microscopy of the weld-fabricated packages. Keywords: Explosive welding, layered materials, maraging steel, heat treatment References 1. Solncev Yu.P. Special'nye materialy v mashinostroenii (Special materials in mechanical engineering). Saint Petersburg, HIMIZDAT, 2004. 640 p. 2. Tushinsky L.I. Strukturnaja teorija konstruktivnoj prochnosti materialov (The Structural Theory of Constructive Strength of Materials). Novosibirsk, NSTU, 2004. 400 p. 3. Novikov I. I. Teorija termicheskoj obrabotki metallov (The theory of heat treatment of metals). Moscow, Metallurgija, 1986. 480 p. 4. Bernshtejn M. L. Struktura deformirovannyh metallov (The structure of deformed metals). Moscow, Metallurgija, 1977. 431 p. 5. Lahtin Yu.M., Arzamasov B.N. Himiko-termicheskaja obrabotka metallov (Chemical heat treatment of metals). Moscow, Metallurgija, 1985. 256 p. 6. Lysak V.I., Kuz'min S.V. Svarka vzryvom (Explosion Welding). Moscow, Mashinostroenie, 2005. 544 p. 7. Golkovsky M.G., Bataev I.A., Bataev A.A., Veselov S.V., Bataev V.A., Zhuravina T.V., Prikhodko E.A. Cladding of Tantalum and Niobium on Titanium by Electron Beam, Injected in Atmosphere. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, Vol. 314-316, pp. 23-27. 8. Zykova A.P., Novomejskij M.Yu., Kurzina I.A., Nikulina A.A., Knjazev A.S. Obrabotka metallov ( tehnologija, oborudovanie, instrumenty ), 2012, no. 4 (57), pp. 72–78. 9. Gurevich L.M., Trykov Yu.P., Pronichev D.V., Arisova V.N., Kiselev O.S., Kondrat'ev A.Yu., Pankov S.V. Izvestija Volgograd State Technical University. Serija Problemy materialovedenija, svarki i prochnosti v mashinostroenii , 2009, Iss. 3, no. 11(59), pp. 35–40. 10. Kobelev A.G., Lysak V.I., Chernyshev V.N., Bykov A.A, Vostrikov V.P. Proizvodstvo metallicheskih sloistyh kompozicionnyh materialov (Production of metal laminated composite materials). Moscow, Intermet Inzhiniring, 2002. 496 p. 11. Kovalenko V.S. Metallograficheskie reaktivy: spravochnik (Metallographic reagents: a guide). Moscow, Metallurgija, 1981. 120 p. 12. Bataev I.A. Struktura i mehanicheskie svojstva mnogoslojnyh materialov, sformirovannyh po tehnologii svarki vzryvom tonkolistovyh zagotovok iz nizkouglerodistoj stali. Diss. kand. tehn. nauk [Structure and mechanical properties multilayer materials formed by explo-sion welding thin sheets of mild steel workpieces]. Novosibirsk, 2010. 116 p. 13. Fetisov G.P., Karpman M.G., Matjunin V.M. and al. Materialovedenie i tehnologija metallov: uchebnik dlja studentov vuzov, obuchajushhihsja po mashinostroitel'nym special'nostjam (Materials science and technology of metals: a textbook for students studying in machine building specialties). Moscow, Vysshaja shkola, 2000. 639 p. 14. GOST 1497–84. Metally. Metody ispytanij na rastjazhenie [State Standard 1497–84. Metals. Methods of tension test], Moscow, Standartinform Publ., 2005. 22 p. 15. Bataev A.A., Bataev V.A. Kompozicionnye materialy: stroenie, poluchenie, primenenie: Uchebnik (Composite Materials: Structure, Production, Application: Textbook). No-vosibirsk, NSTU, 2002. 384 p. 16. GOST 9454–78. Metally. Metod ispytanija na udarnyj izgib pri ponizhennyh, komnatnoj i povyshennyh temperaturah [State Standard 9454–78. Metals. Method for testing the impact strength at low, room and high temperature], Moscow, Standartinform Publ., 2002. 12 p.