Obrabotka Metallov 2013 No. 3
ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 3 (60) 2013 120 МАТЕРИАЛОВЕДЕНИЕ Obrabotka metallov N 3 (60), July–September 2013, Pages 115-120 Structure and properties of steel under non-vacuum electron-beam welding deposition of titanium, tantalum, molybdenum and graphite powders 1 D.O. Mul, 1 E.A. Drobyaz, 2 I.K. Chakin, 1 V.V. Samoylenko, 1 V.S. Lozhkin, 1 R.A. Dostovalov 1 Novosibirsk State Technical University, Prospekt K. Marksa, 20, Novosibirsk, 630073, Russia 2 Institute of Nuclear Physics, Prospect akademika Lavrentieva, 11, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia E-mail: ddariol@yandex.ru Abstract Features of the structure formation in surface layers of structional steel 40X subjected to the electron beam welding of titanium-containing powder mixtures were studied. The formation of coating is carried out with the usage of three types of powders mixtures: titanium and carbon (graphite); titanium, molybdenum and carbon (graphite); titanium, tantalum and carbon (graphite). The presence of complicated ultra-dispersive crystalline structure in the coating is detected. It is formed during high-speed cooling. Availability of titanium carbide (TiC) presence in the surface layer is detected by X-ray diffraction analysis. Growth of the titanium carbide volume fraction in the surface layer leads to increase in hardness. The molybdenum injection allows forming the uniform martensite matrix structure which promotes significantly improved hardness of coatings. It is found that the wear resistance of coatings directly depends on its hardness. Keywords: non-vacuum electron-beam welding deposition, wear resistance, carbides References 1. Livshic L.C. Grinberg Je.G., Kurkumeli H.A. Osnovy legirovanija naplavlennogo metalla (Basics of added metal alloying). Moscow, Mashinostroenie, 1969. 188 p. 2. Kiparisov S.S., Levinskij Yu.V., Petrov A.P. Karbid titana: poluchenie, svojstva, primenenie (Titanium carbide: production, properties and application). Moscow, Metallurgija, 1987. 216 p. 3. Hasui A., Morigaki O. Naplavka i napylenie [Surfacing and spraying]. Per. s jap. V.N. Popova; pod red. V.S. Stepina, N.G. Shesterkina [Translated from Japanese V.N. Popova, editors V.S. Stepina, N.G. Shesterkina]. Moscow, Mashinostroenie, 1985. 240 p. 4. Poletika I.M., Golkovski M.G, Borisov M.D., Salimov R.A., Perovskaja M.V. Fizika i himija obrabotki materialov , 2005, no.5, pp. 29-41. 5. Golkovskii M.G. Zakalka i naplavka reljativistskim jelektronnym puchkom vne vakuuma. Tehnologicheskie vozmozhnosti metoda (Hardening and cladding of a relativistic electron beam outside the vacuum. Technological capabilities of the method). Saarbrucken, LAPLAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2013. 317 p. 6. Poletika I.M., Ivanov Yu.F., Golkovski M.G., Krylova T.A., Teresov A.D., Makarov S.A. Perspektivnye materialy , 2011, no.1, pp. 71-81. 7. Fadeev S.N, Golkovski M.G, Korchagin A.I, Kuksanov N.K, Lavruhin A.V, Petrov S.E, Salimov R.A, Vaisman A.F Technological applications of BINP industrial electron accelerators with focused beam extracted into atmosphere. Radiation Physics and Chemistry , 2000, no. 57, Issues 3-6, рр. 653-655. 8. Eunsub Yun, Yong Chan Kim, Sunghak Lee, Nack J. Kim. Correlation of microstructure with hardness and wear resistance in (TiC,SiC)/stainless steel surface composites fabricated by high-energy electron-beam irradiation. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A , 2004, Vol. 35, Issue 3, pp. 1029-1038. 9. Dukhyun Nam, Kyuhong Lee, Sunghak Lee. Correlation of microstructure with hardness and wear resistance of carbide- reinforced ferrous surface composites fabricated by high-energy electron-beam irradiation. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A , 2008, Vol. 39, Issue 11, pp. 2626-2634. 10. Seong-Hun Choo, Sunghak Lee, Soon-Ju Kwon. Effect of flux addition on the microstructure and hardness of TiC- reinforced ferrous surface composite layers fabricated by high-energy electron beam irradiation. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A , 1999, Volume 30, Issue 12, pp. 3131-3141. 11. Jongmin Lee, Kwangjun Euh, Jun Cheol Oh, Sunghak Lee. Microstructure and hardness improvement of TiC/stainless steel surface composites fabricated by high-energy electron beam irradiation. Materials Science and Engineering: A , 2002, no. 323, Issue 1 – 2, pр. 251-259. 12. Kovalenko V.S. Metallograficheskie reaktivy: spravochnik (Metallographic reagents: a guide). Moscow, Metallurgija, 1981. 120 p.
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