Obrabotka Metallov 2013 No. 3

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 3 (60) 2013 126 МАТЕРИАЛОВЕДЕНИЕ during cast iron casting leads to the strength properties increasing. The developed modifier promotes increase pearlite content and decrease in the length of graphite inclusions. The tensile strength increased by 19.8%, the hardness increased by 13% when the concentration of tungsten carbide 0.0375%. Keywords: cast iron, inoculation, microstructure, mechanical properties References 1. Arharov V.I., Novohatskij I.A. O kvazipolikristallicheskoj modeli rasplavov [About quasi-polycrystalline model melts]. Stroenie i svojstva metal. i shlakovyh rasplavov: Nauch. soobshh. Vsesojuz. konf. po stroeniju i svojstvam metal. i shlakovyh rasplavov [Scientific Reports All-Union Conference “Structure and properties of metal and slag melts”]. Sverdlovsk, 1974, pp. 52-53. 2. Danilov V.I. Stroenie i kristallizacija zhidkosti: Izbrannye stat’I (The structure and crystallization of the liquid. Fea- tured Articles). Kiev, AN UkrSSR, 1956. 568 p. 3. Kryukov A.P., Levashov V.Yu., Shishkova I.N. Perekondensacija v gazopylevoj smesi [Evaporation condensation in a gas-dust mixture]. Teplofizika vysokih temperatur - High Temperature , 2004, Vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 601-607. 4. Saburov S.P., Cherepanov A.N., Zhukov M.F. Plazmohimicheskij sintez ul’tradispersnyh poroshkov i ih primenenie dlja modificirovanija metallov i splavov (Plasma chemical synthesis of ultrafine powders and their application for the modification of metals and alloys). Novosibirsk, Sibirskaja izdatel’skaja firma RAN “Nauka”, 1995. 344 p. 5. Krushenko G.G., Cherepanov A.N., Polubojarov V.A., Kuznecov V.A. Izvestija vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij. Chernaja metallurgija , 2003, no. 4, pp. 23-29. 6. Krushenko G.G., Yamskih I.S., Bonchenkov A.A., Mishin A.S. Metallurgija mashinostroenija , 2002, no. 2 (9), pp. 20-21. 7. Zykova A.P., Kurzina I.A., Novomejskij M.Yu., Knjazev A.S., Nikulina A.A. Obrabotka metallov (tehnologija, oboru- dovanie, instrumenty) , 2012, no. 4, pp. 72-78