Obrabotka Metallov 2013 No. 3

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 3 (60) 2013 30 ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ 6. Моделирование тепловых процессов тонкоструй- ной плазменной резки. / А.Х. Рахимянов, С.В. Лунин, Х.М. Рахимянов // Инновации в машиностроении : тру- ды 2-й междунар. науч.-практ. конф., Кемерово, 6–8 окт. 2011. – Кемерово: Изд-во КузГТУ, 2011. – С. 161–165. Obrabotka metallov N 3 (60), July–September 2013, Pages 25-30 Evaluation of geometric precision cut of sheet materials with different high-precision plasma cutting technologies Kh.M. Rakhimyanov, A.A. Loktionov, Yu.V. Nikitin Novosibirsk State Technical University, Prospekt K. Marksa, 20, Novosibirsk, 630073, Russia E-mail: pushkin-lok@mail.ru Abstract Studies on evaluating geometric precision cutting of sheet materials in accordance to ISO 9013:2002 are presented. For the study, sheet material of structural steel St 37-3 is selected. Limits of thickness, based on the terms of sheet material guaranteed punching and cutting, according to the study of technologies are selected. The geometry of the high-precision plasma cutting technology cut - HiFocus; HiFocus plus ; HiFocus F for different thicknesses is showed. A comparative evaluation of the perpendicularity of the cut edges for the marked technologies is carried out. Recommendations for use of the high-precision plasma cutting, depending on the thickness and the required geometry of the cut are given. Keywords: the high-precision plasma cutting, cut, forming, perpendicularity, accuracy, quality, configuration, nozzle, cathode. References 1. Kovan V.M. Raschet pripuskov na obrabotku v mashinostroenii (Calculation of machining allowances in mechanical engineering), Moscow, Gosudarstvennoe nauchno-tehnicheskoe izdatel'stvo mashinostroitel'noj i sudostroitel'noj literatury, 1953. 208 p. 2. Shmunk M.M. Vestnik OSU, 2008, no. 11, pp. 90-93. 3. ISO 9013:2002 Rezka teplovaja. Klassifikacija rezov, poluchennyh teplovym sposobom. Geometricheskie harakteristiki izdelij i dopuski na harakteristiki (Thermal cutting. Classification of thermal cuts. Geometrical product specification and qual- ity tolerances), 2002. 35 p. 4. Loktionov A.A., Rahimjanov H.M., Zhuravlev A.I. Iznos rashodnyh jelementov plazmotrona pri termicheskoj rezke listovogo materiala [Wear of consumable elements plasmatron at thermal cutting of a sheet material]. Zhiznennyj cikl kon- strukcionnyh materialov (ot poluchenija do utilizacii): materialy dokladov II Vserossijskoj nauchno-tehnicheskoj konferencii (s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem [The life cycle of construction materials (from fabrication to utilization): Proceedings of the 2nd All-Russian scientific and technical Conference (with international participation)]. Irkutsk, ISTU, 2012, pp. 61-65. 5. Rahimjanov H.M., Loktionov A.A. Raznovidnosti katodov, primenjaemyh dlja plazmennoj rezki, i vlijanie stepeni iznosa ih na tochnost’ formoobrazovanija [Varieties of the cathodes applied to a plasma cutting, and agency of their wear rate on exactitude of a morphogenesis]. Problemy povyshenija jeffektivnosti metalloobrabotki v promyshlennosti na sovremennom jetape: materialy 10-oj Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii [Problems of increasing the efficiency of metal- working in the industry at the present stage: Materials of the 10th All-Russian scientific-practical conference]. Novosibirsk, NSTU, 2012, pp. 68-71. 6. Rahimjanov A.H., Lunin S.V., Rahimjanov H.M. Modelirovanie teplovyh processov tonkostrujnoj plazmennoj rezki [Modeling of thermal processes at the high-precision plasma cutting]. Innovacii v mashinostroenii : trudy 2-oj mezhdunarod- noj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii [Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovation in Engineering”]. Kemerovo, KuzSTU, 2011, pp. 161–165. 7. Rakhimyanov Kh.M., Zhuravlev A.I., Loktionov A.A., Rakhimyanov A.Kh. Nauchnyj vestnik Novosibirskogo gosu- darstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta , 2009, no. 4(37), pp.123-134. 7. Моделирование процессов тонкоструйной плаз- менной резки для обеспечения точности формирования криволинейных контуров. / Х.М. Рахимянов, А.И. Жу- равлев, А.А. Локтионов, А.Х. Рахимянов // Научный вестник НГТУ. – 2009. – № 4(37). – С. 123–134.