Obrabotka Metallov 2013 No. 3

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 3 (60) 2013 53 ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ. ИНСТРУМЕНТЫ Obrabotka metallov N 3 (60), July–September 2013, Pages 47-53 3D model of a milling cutter A.L. Kheyfets South Ural State University, Lenin avenue, 76, Chelyabinsk, 454080, Russia E-mail: heifets@yandex.ru Abstract An algorithm for constructing geometrically accurate realistic computer 3d model of a form-relieved milling cutter is de- veloped in the article. This model is used as a computer sample to check accuracy of milling cutter production. Algorithm simulates technological process of milling cutter production. The model gives possibility to build samples for all standard form-relieved milling cutters at variation of 25-30 parameters as well as to show technological features of milling cutters pro- duction. It simulates the known surface forms of a cutoff. It helps to analyze geometrical properties of milling cutters. Model inaccuracy is less than 10 -5 . The example of analysis of a cavity form of a milled gear wheel is given. The model is performed with AutoLisp with respect to AutoCAD package. Keywords: 3d computer geometrical simulation, form-relieved milling cutters, parameters check, computer sample, program- ming, AutoCAD, AutoLisp. References 1. Khejfec A.L., Loginovskij A.N., Butorina I.V., Vasil’eva V.N. Inzhenernaja 3d-komp’juternaja grafika [Engineering 3d-computer graphics]. Uchebnoe posobie dlja bakalavrov [Tutorial for bachelors]. Moscow, Yurajt, 2012. 464 p. 2. Surkov I.V. Kurochkin A.S., Krasikova O.S. Vestnik South Ural State University. Serija Mashinostroenie , 2010, Issue 16, no. 29(205), pp. 76–84. 3. Proizvodstvo koordinatno-izmeritel’nyh mashin OOO “Lapik” (Design and production coordinate measuring machines and measuring equipment Lapic LLC) Available at: http://www.lapic.ru/ (accessed 15 June 2013) 4. GOST 9324-80. Frezy chervjachnye chistovye odnozahodnye dlja cilindricheskih zubchatyh koles s jevol’ventnym profilem [State Standard 9324-80. Finishing single-start hobbing cutters for cylindrical involute gears], Moscow, Standartinform Publ., 1988. 51 p. 5. GOST 10331-81. Frezy chervjachnye melkomodul’nye dlja cilindricheskih zubchatyh koles s jevol’ventnym profilem [State Standard 10331-81. Fine module hobs for cylindrical involute gears], Moscow, Standartinform Publ., 1981. 27 p. 6. Semenchenko I.I., Matjushin V.M., Saharov G.N. Proektirovanie metallorezhushhih instrumentov (Design of metal- cutting tools). Moscow, Mashgiz, 1963. 952 p. 7. Shhjokin A., Mitin Je., Sul’din S. Avtomatizacija proektirovanija chervjachnyh zuboreznyh frez v sisteme KOMPAS [Computer-aided design of worm gear cutting cutters in the COMPAS]. SAPR i grafika [CAD and Graphics]. Moscow, Komp’juterPress Publ., 2011, no. 12, pp. 101-104. 8. Borisenko O., Muzychuk Yu., Sytnik V. Proektirovanie chervjachnyh frez v srede KOMPAS-GRAFIK [Designing hobs among KOMPAS-Graphic]. SAPR i grafika [CAD and Graphics]. Moscow, Komp’juterPress Publ., 2002, no. 6. 9. Tokarev V.V., Skrebnev G.G., Narozhnyh A.T. and al. Chervjachnye zuboreznye frezy (Hobbing cutters). Volgograd, Volgograd State Technical University, 1998. 136 p.