Obrabotka Metallov 2013 No. 3

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 3 (60) 2013 73 ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ. ИНСТРУМЕНТЫ Obrabotka metallov N 3 (60), July–September 2013, Pages 68-73 Determination of the main parameters of the processing equipment Yu.I. Podgornyj, T.G. Martynova, V.Yu. Skeeba, V.N. Pushnin, N.V. Vahrushev, D.Yu. Kornev, E.K. Zaycev Novosibirsk State Technical University, Prospekt K. Marksa, 20, Novosibirsk, 630073, Russia E-mail: skeeba_vadim@mail.ru Abstract The design technique of the continuous mixers, allowing to define the basic parameters of production machines for mixing bulk solids is developed. The technique includes determining the load on the driven element mixers, the load given to the motor shaft, the power required to perform the process. In accordance with this technique the calculations of basic technical and operational parameters of a two-shaft continuous mixer for pasta are conducted. The calculations are constructed a graph of reduced load to the motor shaft, processing time, power and performance of the speed of working. The technique allows to upgrade existing mixer with the possibility of increasing their performance up to 60% by increasing the speed of driven element, using the revised values of the loads on the kneading blade from external mechanical influences. Keywords: design technique, cut, paddle blade-type mixing machine, bulk solids, load, driven element References 1. Demin O.V. Analiz raboty razlichnyh vidov smesitelej sypuchih materialov periodicheskogo dejstvija [The analysis of the various types of mixers bulk material batch]. Sbornik nauchnyh statej molodyh uchenyh i studentov “Trudy TSTU” [Collection of scientific papers of young scientists and students “Transaction of TSTU”]. Tambov, TSTU, 2001, Iss. 8, pp. 109–114. 2. Pershin V.F., Demin O.V. Raschet odnoval’nogo lopastnogo smesitelja sypuchih materialov [Calculation of single-shaft paddle mixer bulk materials]. Tezisy dokladov 11 mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii “Nauchno-tehnicheskij progress v inzhenernoj sfere APK Rossii – problemy razvitija mashinnyh tehnologij i tehnicheskih sredstv proizvodstva sel’skohozjajstvennoj produkcii” [Theses of reports 11th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Scientific and technical progress in the field of agriculture engineering Russia - the problems of machine technologies and technical means of agricultural production”]. Moscow, VIM, 2002, Vol. 142, part. 2, pp. 18–23. 3.Vasil’evaM.A. Vlijaniefiziko-mehanicheskih svojstv sypuchihmaterialovnaoptimal’nyj vybor smesitel’nogoustrojstva (Influence of physico-mechanical properties of bulk materials for the optimal choice of mixing device). Orenburg, OSU, 2002. 8 p. 4. GOST 22061-76. Mashiny i tehnologicheskoe oborudovanie. Sistema klassov tochnosti balansirovki [State Standard 22061-76. Machines and technological equipment. Balance quality grade system], Moscow, Standartinform Publ., 1984. 136 p. 5. Gusarov A.A. Balansirovka rotorov mashin (Rotor balancing machines). Editor-in-chief. Kaplunov S.M. Moscow, Institute of Machines Science named after A.A. Blagonravov, 2004, In 2 books, Book 1. 267 p. 6. Chernov M.E., Medvedev G.M., Negrub V.P. Spravochnik po makaronnomu proizvodstvu (Handbook of pasta production). Moscow, Legkaja i pishhevaja promyshlennost’, 1984. 304 s. 7. Dragilev A.I., Hromeenkov V.M., Chernov M.E. Tehnologicheskoe oborudovanie: hlebopekarnoe, makaronnoe i konditerskoe (Process equipment: baking, pasta and confectionery). Moscow, Akademija, 2004. 432 p. 8. Martynova T.G., Podgornyj Yu. I., Pticyn S.V. Nauchnyj vestnik NSTU , 2011, no. 2 (43), pp. 183–188. 9. Martynova T.G., Pticyn S.V., Gorbunov A.V. Issledovanie udel’nogo soprotivlenija peremeshivaniju makaronnogo testa (The study of resistivity mixing pasta dough). Sbornik nauchnyh trudov NSTU , 2008. no.3 (53), pp. 113–116. 10. Podgornyj Yu.I., Pticyn S.V., Martynova T.G. Issledovanie sostojanija avtomaticheskoj linii po vyborke makaronnyh izdelij BRAIBANTI na OAO «Novosibirskaja makaronnaja fabrika» (The study states the automatic line for a sample of pasta BRAIBANTI at JSC “Novosibirsk macaroni factory”). Sbornik nauchnyh trudov NSTU , 2004, no. 1 (35), pp. 15–18.