Obrabotka Metallov 2013 No. 3

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 3 (60) 2013 83 МАТЕРИАЛОВЕДЕНИЕ Электронно-лучевая наплавка в черной металлургии // Физическая мезомеханика. – 2006. – Т. 9. – Спец. вы- пуск. – С. 157–160. 10. Буйносов А.П . Наплавка гребней бандажей про- мышленных электровозов без выкатки колесных пар Obrabotka metallov N 3 (60), July–September 2013, Pages 80-83 Structure and microhardness wear resistant coatings welding by the electric arc method on martensitic steel S.V. Raykov, E.S. Vaschuk, T.Yu. Kobzareva, E.A. Budovskikh, V.E. Gromov Siberian State Industrial University, Kirov st., 42, Novokuznetsk, 654007, Russia E-mail: budovskih_ea@physics.sibsiu.ru Abstract Coatings fused by different grades of cored wires on quenched steel Hardox 400 with martensitic structure are studied by light microscopy. Coatings with a thickness more than 5 mm are characterized by a layered structure. The surface, subsurface and intermediate layers of the coatings have a dendritic structure. Between dendritic branches granular inclusions of carbides and iron and niobium borides with microhardness 1500 HV are revealed. Microhardness of the coatings fused by EnDOtec DO * 33 and SK A 70-G 2 wires, containing niobium carbides and borides, increases increase by a factor of two in comparison with the base material and reaches 900 HV. Microhardness of the coatings fused by EnDOtec DO * 30 wire, that doesn’t contain niobium, is 700 HV. Keywords: Steel Hardox 400; Coatings; Electric arc welding; Structural-phase states; Microhardness. References 1. Tjurin Ju.M., Zhadkevich M.L. Plazmennye uprochnjajushhie tehnologii (Plasma hardening technology). Kiev, «Nau- kova Dumka», 2008. 266 p. 2. Pogrebnjak A.N., Tjurin Ju.N. Uspehi fizicheskih nauk , 2005, vol. 175, no. 5, pp. 515–544. 3. Romanov D.A., Budovskih E.A., Gromov V.E. Zagotovitel’nye proizvodstva v mashinostroenii , 2013, no. 1, pp. 36–43. 4. Sosnin N.A., Ermakov S.A., Topoljanskij P.A. Plazmennye tehnologii. Svarka, nanesenie pokrytij, uprochnenie (Plas- ma technologies. Welding, coating, hardening). Moscow, Mashinostroenie, 2008. 406 p. 5. Gribkov V.A., Grigor’ev F.I., Kalin B.A., Jakushin V.L. Perspektivnye radiacionno-puchkovye tehnologii obrabotki materialov: Uchebnik (Prospective radiation beam-material processing technologies: Textbook). Moscow, Kruglyj god, 2001. 528 p. 6. Astapchik S.A., Golubev V.S., Maslakov A.G. Lazernye tehnologii v mashinostroenii i metalloobrabotke (Laser tech- nologies in mechanical engineering and metal working). Minsk, Belorusskaja nauka, 2008. 251 p. 7. Grigor’janc A.G., Shiganov I.N., Misjurov A.I. Tehnicheskie processy la-zernoj obrabotki (Technical Processes laser treatment). Moscow, Вauman Moscow State Technical University, 2006. 664 p. 8. Poletika I.M., Makarov S.A., Tetjuckaja M.V., Krylova T.A. Izvestija Tomskogo politehnicheskogo universitetata , 2012, vol. 321, no. 2, pp. 86–89. 9. Beljuk S.I., Samarcev V.P., Gal’chenko N.K., Dampilon B.V., Raskoshnyj S.Ju., Kolesnikova K.A. Fizicheskaja me- zomehanika , 2006, vol. 9, special issue, pp. 157–160. 10. Bujnosov A.P. Vestnik transporta Povolzh’ja , 2012, no. 4, pp. 3–11. 11. Hasui A., Morigaki O. Naplavka i napylenie (Building-up and spraying). Translated from Japanese: Popova V.P.; Edited Stepina V.S., Shesterkina N.G. Moscow, Mashinostroenie, 1985. 240 p. // Вестник транспорта Поволжья. – 2012. – № 4. – С. 3–11. 11. Хасуи А., Моригаки О . Наплавка и напыле- ние / пер. с япон. В.П. Попова; под ред. В.С. Степина, Н.Г. Шестеркина. – М.: Машиностроение, 1985. – 240 с.