Obrabotka Metallov 2013 No. 3

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 3 (60) 2013 89 МАТЕРИАЛОВЕДЕНИЕ and fixed crystal junction lines with the particles of nanosized oxide, carbide intermetallic phases leads to greater strength and microhardness. Implanted and non-implanted titanium samples have been compared in acid, neutral and alkalinous media. The implantation of aluminum ions in the titanium matrix increases corrosion resistance of the samples. The examination of corrosion resistance in aggressive medium proves the data gained while the examination of the polarization curves. Keywords: ion implantation, ultrafine-grain titanium, microstructure, corrosion properties. References 1. Kozlov E.V., Koneva N.A., Popova N.A. Zerennaja struktura, geometricheski neobhodimye dislokacii i chasticy vto- ryh faz v polikristallah mikro- i mezourovnja [Grain structure, geometrically necessary dislocations and second-phase par- ticles in polycrystals of micro- and mesolevels]. Fizicheskaja mezomehanika - Physical Mesomechanics , 2009, Vol.12, no.4, pp. 93-106. 2. Kajbyshev O.A., Utjashev F.Z. Sverhplastichnost’, izmel’chenie struktury i obrabotka trudnodeformiruemyh splavov (Superplasticity, structure refinement and processing of hard-alloy). Moscow, Nauka, 2002. 438 p. 3. Sharkeev Yu.P., Eroshenko A.Yu., Bratchikov A.D., Legostaeva E.V., Kukareko V.A. Struktura i mehanicheskie svojst- va nanostrukturnogo titana posle dorekristallizacionnyh otzhigov [Structure and mechanical properties of nanostructured titanium after prior-to-recrystallization annealing]. Fizicheskaja mezomehanika - Physical Mesomechanics , 2005, Vol. 8, no. Special issue, pp. 91-94 4. Eroshenko A.Yu., Sharkeev Yu.P., Tolmachev A.I., Korobicyn G.P., Danilov V.I. Perspektivnye materialy , 2009, no.7 (Special issue), pp.107-112. 5. Kurzina I.A. Materialovedenie , 2010, no.2, pp. 49-64. 6. Diagrammy sostojanija dvojnyh metallicheskih sistem (Diagrams of binary metal systems). Pod red. N.P. Ljakisheva. Moscow, Mashinostroenie, 1996. Vol.1-3. 7. Grigorovich V.K. Tverdost’ i mikrotverdost’ metallov (The hardness and micro-hardness of metals). Moscow, Nauka, 1976. 230 p. 8. Kurzina I.A., Kozlov E.V., Sharkeev Yu.P. and al. Nanokristallicheskie intermetallidnye i nitridnye struktury, formiru- jushhiesja pri ionno-plazmennom vozdejstvii (Nanocrystalline intermetallic and nitride structures formed by ion-plasma ex- posure). Tomsk, Nauchno-tehnicheskaja literatura, 2008. 324 p. 9. Skorcheletti V.V. Teoreticheskie osnovy korrozii metallov (Theoretical foundations of metal corrosion). Leningrad, Himija, 1973. 264 p. 10. Kozlov E.V., Koneva N.A. Priroda uprochnenija metallicheskih materialov [Nature of metallic materials hardening]. Izvestija vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij. Fizika - Russian Physics Journal , 2002, no. 3, appendix, pp.52-71. 11. Koneva N.A., Kozlov E.V. Dislokacionnaja struktura i fizicheskie mehanizmy uprochnenija metallicheskih mate- rialov (The dislocation structure and the physical mechanisms of hardening of metallic materials). Perspektivnye materialy. Struktura i metody issledovanija: Uchebnoe posobie dlja studentov vuzov napravlenij “Fizicheskoe materialovedenie” i “Metallurgija” (Advanced materials. Structure and Methods: Tutorial for students of directions “Physical Materials” and “Metallurgy”). Pod red. D.L. Mersona. Moscow, MISiS; Togliatti, TSU, 2006. pp. 267-320. 12. Koneva N.A., Kozlov E.V. Zakonomernosti substrukturnogo uprochnenija [Regularities of substructural hardening]. Izvestija vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij. Fizika - Soviet Physics Journal , 1991, no.3, pp.56-70. 13. Gorynin I.V., Chechulin B.B. Titan v mashinostroenii (Titan in mechanical engineering). Moscow, Mashinostroenie, 1990. 400 p.