Obrabotka Metallov 2013 No. 3

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 3 (60) 2013 93 МАТЕРИАЛОВЕДЕНИЕ Obrabotka metallov N 3 (60), July–September 2013, Pages 90-93 Structure of wear resistant coatings TiC-Mo, received electric-explosive spraying D.A. Romanov, O.V. Olesyuk, E.A. Budovskikh, E.S. Vaschuk, V.E. Gromov Siberian State Industrial University, Kirov st., 42, Novokuznetsk, 654007, Russia E-mail : romanov_da@physics.sibsiu.ru Abstract One of promising technique to increase the performance index and service life of details made of metal and alloys is electroexplosive spattering (EES), that is carried out by electrical explosion. One of this technique advantages is a high adhesion to the substrate of the formed coating. A topography and structural features of TiC-Mo electroexplosive coatings is studied in this work by methods of optical interferometry, and scanning electron microscopy. It is found that the after treatment surface roughness parameters are about Ra = 3,0 μm. The thickness of layers is about 55-70 μm. A profile, forming on the border of a coating and a substrate, increases an adhesion. A structure of composite coatings is presented by molybdenum matrix with titanium carbide particles inside. Coatings have a cohesively-adhesive bond with the material contact surfaces. Keywords: electroexplosive spraying; wear-resistant coatings; molybdenum; titanium carbide; roughness; adhesion; microstructure. References 1. Fukushima T. Journal of High Temperature Society , 2002, Vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 171 – 175. 2. Xiaoqian G., Yaran N., Liping H., Heng J., Xuebin Z . Journal of Termal Spray Technology , 2012, Vol. 21(5), pp. 1083 – 1089. 3. Romanov D.A., Budovskikh E.A., Gromov V.E. Jelektrovzryvnoe napylenie jelektrojerozionnostojkih pokrytij: formirovanie struktury, fazovogo sostava i svojstv jelektrojerozionnostojkih pokrytij metodom jelektrovzryvnogo napylenija (Electro-detonation spraying of electro-erosion-resistant coatings: structure formation, phase composition and properties of electro-erosion-resistant coatings by electro-detonation spraying), Saarbrucken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, 2012. 170 p. 4. Zhmakin Ju.D., Romanov D.A., Budovskikh E.A., Gromov V.E., Kuznecov V.A. Promyshlennaja jenergetika, 2011, no. 6, pp. 22–25. 5. Bagautdinov A.Ja., Budovskikh E.A., Ivanov Ju.F., Gromov V.E. Fizicheskie osnovy jelektrovzryvnogo legirovanija metallov i splavov (Physical basis of Electro-detonation doping metals and alloys). Novokuznetsk, SibSIU, 2007. 301 p.