Obrabotka Metallov 2013 No. 3

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 3 (60) 2013 97 МАТЕРИАЛОВЕДЕНИЕ элементного моделирования в программном комплексе SYSWELD // Современная металлургия начала нового тысячелетия: сб. науч. трудов VI межд. науч.-техн. конф. Часть 1. - Липецк: ЛГТУ, 2009. – С. 238–245. Obrabotka metallov N 3 (60), July–September 2013, Pages 94-97 Numerical simulation of aluminum alloy parts quenching process A.S. Bachurin, K.N Bobin, K.A. Matveev, N.A. Ryngach, N.V. Kurlaev Novosibirsk State Technical University, Prospekt K. Marksa, 20, Novosibirsk, 630073, Russia E-mail: bachurin.a.s@yandex.ru Abstract Production of high-precision parts needs to predict deformation and stresses caused by thermal treatment. The main problem of such calculation is the presence of unsteady heat transfer between the quenching medium and the part as well as the absence of reliable information on the convergence of solutions of such problems with experimental studies. In the paper the solution of the coupled problem of unsteady heat transfer and thermal deformation of an aluminum alloy sample is given and the results are compared with experimental data. The calculations took into account the dependence of the heat transfer coefficient between the workpiece surface and the temperature of the quenching medium surface of the part, the speed and the direction of the dive details in the quenching medium. Temperature fields in detail, resulting stress and strain in details are obtained in consequence of the calculations. Experimental data confirmed the nature of the deformation, obtained by calculating, the total deviation between the strains obtained in the calculations and the experimental data was 23%. Keywords: ANSYS, numerical simulation, quenching, quenching stress, quenching deformation. References 1. Beljaev A.I., Bochvar O.S, Bujnov N.N. Metallovedenie aljuminija i ego splavov (Physical metallurgy aluminum and aluminum alloys). Moscow, Metallurgija, 1971. 352 p. 2. Cvetkov F.F., Grigor’ev B.A. Teplomassoobmen: Uchebnoe posobie dlja vuzov (Heat-mass exchange: Textbook for universities). Moscow, Moscow Power Engineering Institute Press, 2005. 550 p. 3. Arendarchuk A.V., Astaf’ev A.A., Bashnin Ju.A. Termicheskaja obrabotka v mashinostroenii: Spravochnik (Heat treatment in machine building: Handbook). Moscow, Mashinostroenie, 1980. 776 p. 4. Kurlaev N.V., Ryngach N.A., Narysheva G.G. Teoreticheskie osnovy samoleto- i vertoletostroenija: Uchebnoe posobie (Theoretical basis of aircraft and helicopter: Tutorial). Novosibirsk, NSTU, 2013. 100 p. 5. Abramov V.V. Ostatochnye naprjazhenija i deformacii v metallah. Raschjoty metodom raschlenenija tela (Residual stresses and deformations metals. Calculations by a method of dismemberment body). Moscow. Mashgiz, 1963. 352 p. 6. Firger V.I. Termicheskaja obrabotka splavov: Spravochnik (Heat treatment of alloys: Handbook). Leningrad, Mashinostroenie, 1982. 304 p. 7. Lahtin Yu.M, Rahshtadt A.G. Termicheskaja obrabotka v mashinostroenii: spravochnik (Heat treatment in machine building: Handbook). Moscow, Mashinostroenie, 1980. 783 p. 8. George E.T. Handbook of Residual Stress and Deformation of Steel. Ohio, ASM, 2001. 550 p. 9. Pekarsh A.I. Tarasov Yu.M., Krivov G.A., Gromashev, A.G.; Matvienko, V.A. Sovremennye tehnologii agregatno- sborochnogo proizvodstva samoletov (Modern technologies of aggregate-assembly production aircraft). Moscow, Agraf- press, 2006. 303 p. 10. Bilenko G.A. Obshhie vozmozhnosti paketa programmWelding Simulation Suite [General capabilities of the software package welding simulation suite]. Metallurg - Metallurgist , 2011, no. 5, pp. 28-31. 11. Skeeba V.Yu., Kornienko E.E., Veselov S.V., Plotnikova N.V. Opredelenie racional’nyh rezhimov jelektrodugovoj svarki stali 30HGSA s pomoshh’ju konechno-jelementnogo modelirovanija v programmnom komplekse SYSWELD [The definition of rational modes of arc welding steel 30HGSA using finite-element modeling software package SYSWELD] . Sovremennaja metallurgija nachala novogo tysjacheletija: sbornik nauchnyh trudov VI mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-tehnicheskoj konferencii. [Collected scientific papers of the VI International Scientific Conference “Modern metallurgy beginning of the new millennium”]. Lipetsk: LSTU, 2009, Part 1. pp. 238-245. 12. Portal tehnicheskoj podderzhki pol’zovatelej ANSYS (Portal user support ANSYS) Available at: https://support.ansys . com/portal/site/AnsysCustomerPortal (accessed 7 October 2012). 12. Портал технической поддержки пользователей ANSYS: [Электронный ресурс] - Режим доступа: https:// support.ansys.com/portal/site/AnsysCustomerPortal (дата обращения: 7.10.12)