Obrabotka Metallov 2013 No. 4

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 4 (61) 2013 10 МАТЕРИАЛОВЕДЕНИЕ 9. Eroglu M., Ozdemir N. Tungsten-inert gas sur- face alloying of a low carbon steel // Surface and Coat- ings Technology. – 2002. – No 154. – Р. 209–217. 10. Батаева Е. А., Батаев И. А., Буров В. Г., Ту- шинский Л. И., Голковский М. Г. Влияние исходного состояния на неоднородность структуры углеро- дистых сталей, упрочненных методом электронно- лучевой обработки при атмосферном давлении // Металловедение и термическая обработка метал- лов. – 2009. – № 3. – С. 3–1. 11. Батаев В.А., Батаев А.А., Голковский М.Г., Остроменский П.И., Коротаев Б.В. Упрочнение боковых граней головок железнодорожных рельсов электронно-лучевой обработкой в воздушной среде // Металловедениеи термическая обработкаметаллов. – 2002. – № 12. – С. 14–18. Obrabotka metallov N 4(61), October–December 2013, Pages 5-11 Structure and properties of the low carbon steel surface layers, obtained by cladding of carbon-containing powder mixtures, followed by quenching 1 A.A. Losinskaya, 1 E.A. Drobyaz, 1 V.A. Bataev, 1 N.V. Plotnikova, 2 M.G. Golkovsky 1 Novosibirsk State Technical University, Prospect K. Marksa, 20 Novosibirsk, 630073, Russia 2 Institute of Nuclear Physics, Prospect akademika Lavrentieva, 11, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia E-mail: ekaterina.drobyaz@ya.ru Received 5 October 2013 Revised 5 November 2013 Accepted 10 November 2013 Abstract The features of the structure formation in the surface layers of low carbon steel 20 after nonvacuum electron-beam deposition of iron- graphite powder mixture and subsequent electron-beam hardening are considered. It is shown that the thickness of the coating, formed during deposition, is 2.6 mm and its hardness reaches 5300 MPa. The subsequent electron-beam hardening enhances the microhardness up to 7000 ... 8000 MPa. Increase in hardness due to the formation of the high-strength fine-grained martensitic structure in the process of electron-beam hardening positively affects the tribological properties of materials. Coatings with the structure of a hypereutectoid steel formed after additional heat treatment have the greatest wear index. Keywords: High heating, carburizing, cover, carbides, wear resistance References 1. Novikov I. I. Teorija termicheskoj obrabotki metallov [The theory of heat treatment of metals]. Moscow, Metallurgija, 1986. 480 p. 2. Das D. K. Prior Austenite Grains in Steels laser Surface Alloyed with Carbon. Materials characterization. 1997, Vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 135-141. 3. Abboud J.H., Benyounis K.Y., Olabi A.G., Hashmi M.S.J. Laser surface treatments of iron-based substrates for automotive application. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2007, Vol. 182, no. 1, pp. 427–431. 4. Khalfallah I.Y., Rahoma M.N., Abboud J.H., Benyounis K.Y. Microstructure and corrosion behavior of aus- tenitic stainless steel treated with laser. Optics&Laser Technology. 2011, Vol. 43, pp. 806–813.