Obrabotka Metallov 2013 No. 2

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 2 (59) 2013 13 ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ. ИНСТРУМЕНТЫ 3. Клименко С.А., Манохин А.С. Твердое «брею- щее» точение // Сверхтвердые материалы. – № 1. – 2009. – С. 58–74. 4. Минасян Г.С. О некоторых преимуществах без- вершинного резца БРМ-1// Известия академии наук Армянской ССР. – Т. XIX. № 3. – 1966. – С. 39–45. 5. Grzesik W., Żak K . Investigations of surface tex- tures produced by oblique machining of different work- piece materials // Archives of Materials Science and Engineering, 52, 2011. – P. 46–53. 6. Подгорков В.В. Чистовое точение однокромоч- ными резцами // СТИН. – № 1. – 1974. – С. 30–31. 7. Тер-Маркарян М.С . Некоторые особенности кинематики и процесса резания безвершинными рез- цами // Известия академии наук Армянской ССР. – Т. XXX. – № 6. – 1977. – С. 3–12. 8. Бобров В.Ф. Влияние угла наклона главной ре- жущей кромки инструмента на процесс резания ме- таллов. – М.: Машгиз, 1962. – 152 с. 9. Петрушин С.И., Баканов А.А., Махов А.В . Гео- метрический анализ конструкций сборных режущих инструментов со сменными многогранными пласти- нами. – Томск: Изд-во ТПУ, 2008. – 100 с. 10. ГОСТ 25762-83 Обработка резанием. Терми- ны, определения и обозначения общих понятий. The analysis of the geometry of oblique turning peakless cutters S.I. Petrushin, A.V. Filippov Yurga Institute of Technology, TPU Affiliate, Leningradskaja st., 26 Yurga, 652055, Russian Federation Abstract The geometry of the process oblique longitudinal turning tool with straight cutting edge is considered. The diagram of the process of oblique turning in a static system of coordinates, which takes into account the variability of the position of the coordinate planes along the cutting edge of the tool, is presented. The formulas that determine the geometry tool, which binds tool-in-hand and setting system of coordinates, are received. Values of angles for different values of the angle wedge are calculated. The variation of angles along the working part of the cutting edge of the value of the angle of inclination of the wedge and the reference plane is shown. On the diagrams of dependence of change of the geometry shows the operating range of the angle of the tool, limiting the area of the possible values of the slope angle of the main plane. Description of the method of modeling an equivalent wedge, for example, which visually shows the character of changes of geometry along the working part of the tool, is presented. Keywords : oblique turning, peakless cutter, geometrical parameters, the inclination angle of the edge, the edge equivalent. References 1. Galojan G.P. Teoreticheskie osnovy novogo processa diagonal’nogo tochenija s obosnovaniem putej ego realizacii (The theoretical basis for a new process of diagonal turning with a justification for ways to implement): Thesis of the Cand. of Tech. Scien., Specialty 05.03.01, K. Marx Erevan Polytechnic Institute, Leninakanskij Affiliate, Leninakan, 1986. 157 p. 2. Ryvkin G.M., Samojlov B.I. STIN , 1952, no. 4, pp. 20-22. 3. Klimenko S.A., Manohin A.S. Sverhtverdye materialy , 2009, no. 1, pp. 58-74. 4. Minasjan G.S. Izvestija akademii nauk Armjanskoj SSR , 1966, Vol. XIX, no. 3, pp. 39-45. 5. Grzesik W., Żak K. Investigations of surface textures produced by oblique machining of different workpiece materials. Archives of Materials Science and Engineering , 2011, no. 52, pp. 46–53. 6. Podgorkov V.V. STIN , 1974, no. 1, pp. 30–31. 7. Ter-Markarjan M.S. Izvestija akademii nauk Armjanskoj SSR , 1977, Vol. XXX, no. 6, pp. 3-12. 8. Bobrov V.F. Vlijanie ugla naklona glavnoj rezhushhej kromki instrumenta na process rezanija metallov (Effect of angle of the cutting edge of the tool to the cutting process metal). Moscow, Mashgiz, 1962. 152 p. 9. Petrushin S.I., Bakanov A.A., Mahov A.V. Geometricheskij analiz konstrukcij sbornyh rezhushhih instrumentov so smennymi mnogogrannymi plastinami (Geometric analysis of precast cutting tools with indexable inserts). Tomsk, TPU, 2008. 100 p. 10. GOST 25762-83 Obrabotka rezaniem. Terminy, opredelenija i oboznachenija obshhih ponjatij (Machining. Terms, definitions and designations of general concepts), 45 p.