Obrabotka Metallov 2013 No. 2

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 2 (59) 2013 68 МАТЕРИАЛОВЕДЕНИЕ is obtained. In comparison with well known techniques of thermal treatment, the developed thermo-mechanical treatment increases the impact toughness of the steel 40H2N2MA up to 1.3 - 2 times and fatigue crack resistance up to 1.5 - 3 times (at equal values of strength parameters). The technological process of high-temperature thermo- mechanical treatment with mixed martensitic-bainitic transformation of austenite is recommended for treatment of rolling billets, drilling tools or small parts of stamping impact machines. Keywords : thermal treatment, thermo mechanical treatment, martensite, bainite, impact machines, reliability. References 1. Chervov V.V. Perspektivy sovershenstvovanija pnevmoudarnyh mashin dlja stroitel’nyh tehnologij (Pros- pects for improving pneumatic percussive machines for building technologies.) “Fundamental problems of techno- genic geoenvironment formation.” Proceedings of the conference with foreign participants (June 28-July 2, 2010). Vol.III, Mashinovedenie, Novosibirsk, Institute of Mining of SB RAS, 2010, pp. 59-65. 2. Ivanov K.I. Latyshev V.A. Andreev V.D. Tehnika burenija pri razrabotke mestorozhdenij poleznyh iskopae- myh (Drilling technique in the development of mineral deposits). Moscow, Nedra, 1987. 272 p. 3. Popelyukh P.A., Bataev A.A., Teplyh A.M., Ognev A.Yu., Golovin E.D. Stal’ , 2011, no. 4, pp. 69-73. 4. Bernshtejn M.L., Zajmovskij V.A., Kaputkina L.M. Termomehanicheskaja obrabotka stali (Thermome- chanical processing of steel). Moscow, Metallurgija, 1983. 480 p. 5. Tushinskij L.I. Teorija i tehnologija uprochnenija metallicheskih splavov (Theory and technology of hard- ening of metal alloys). USSR Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Institute of Mining, Novosibirsk, Nauka, 1990. 303 p.