Obrabotka Metallov 2021 Vol. 23 No. 3

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV Vol. 23 No. 3 2021 70 TECHNOLOGY 40. Zhong H., Wang Z., Gan J., Wang X., Yang Y., He J., Wei T.T., Qin X. Numerical simulation of martensitic transformation plasticity of 42CrMo steel based on spot continual induction hardening model. Surface and Coatings Technology , 2020, vol. 385, p. 125428. DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2020.125428. 41. Golovin G.F., Zimin N.V. Tekhnologiya termicheskoi obrabotki metallov s primeneniem induktsionnogo nagreva [Heat treatment technology of metals using induction heating]. Leningrad, Mashinostroenie Publ., 1990. 87 p. ISBN 5-217-00926-8. 42. Shepelyakovskii K.Z. Uprochnenie detalei mashin poverkhnostnoi zakalkoi pri induktsionnom nagreve [Hardening of machine parts by surface hardening during induction heating]. Moscow, Mashinostroenie Publ., 1972. 288 p. 43. Skeeba V.Y., Ivancivsky V.V., Martyushev N.V. Peculiarities of high-energy induction heating during surface hardening in hybrid processing conditions. Metals , 2021, vol. 11, iss. 9, p. 1354. DOI: 10.3390/met11091354. 44. Skeeba V.Yu., Ivancivsky V.V., Martyushev N.V., Lobanov D.V., Vakhrushev N.V., Zhigulev A.K. Numerical simulation of temperature fi eld in steel under action of electron beam heating source. Key Engineering Materials , 2016, vol. 712, pp. 105–111. DOI: 10.4028/www.scienti fi c.net/KEM.712.105. 45. Ivancivsky V.V., Skeeba V.Yu., Bataev I.A., Lobanov D.V., Martyushev N.V., Sakha O.V., Khlebova I.V. The features of steel surface hardening with high energy heating by high frequency currents and shower cooling. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering , 2016, vol. 156, p. 012025. DOI: 10.1088/1757- 899X/156/1/012025. 46. Fedotenok A.A. Kinematicheskaya struktura metallorezhushchikh stankov [Kinematic structure of machine tools]. Moscow, Mashinostroenie Publ., 1970. 408 p. 47. Ptitsyn S.V., Levitskii L.V. Strukturnyi analiz i sintez kinematiki metallorezhushchikh stankov [Structural analysis and kinematics synthesis of machine tools]. Kiev, UMK Publ., 1989. 70 p. 48. Ivakhnenko A.G. Povyshenie effektivnosti rannikh stadii proektirovaniya metallorezhushchikh stankov na osnove strukturnogo sinteza formoobrazuyushchikh sistem. Diss. dokt. tekhn. nauk [Improving the ef fi ciency of the early stages of designing machine tools based on the structural synthesis of shaping systems. Dr. eng. sci. diss.]. Moscow, 1998. 244 p. 49. Ivakhnenko A.G., Kuts V.V., Erenkov O.Y., Ivakhnenko E.O., Oleinik A.V. Effectiveness of structural- parametric synthesis of metal-cutting systems. Russian Engineering Research , 2017, vol. 37, no. 10, pp. 901–905. DOI: 10.3103/S1068798X17100112. 50. Nakaminami M., Tokuma T., Moriwaki M., Nakamoto К . Optimal structure design methodology for com- pound multiaxis machine tools–I – Analysis of requirements and speci fi cations. International Journal of Automation Technology , 2007, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 78–86. DOI: 10.20965/ijat.2007.p0078. 51. Nakaminami M., Tokuma T., Matsumoto K., Sakashita S., Moriwaki T., Nakamoto K. Optimal structure de- sign methodology for compound multiaxis machine tools–II – Investigation of basic structure. International Journal of Automation Technology , 2007, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 87–93. DOI: 10.20965/ijat.2007.p0087. 52. Mekid S., ed. Introduction to precision machine design and error assessment . Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Series. Boca Raton, CRC Press, 2008. 302 p. ISBN 0849378869. ISBN 978-0849378867. 53. Ivakhnenko A.G., Kuts V.V. Strukturno-parametricheskii sintez tekhnologicheskikh sistem [Structural-para- metric synthesis of technological systems]. Kursk, К urskSTU Publ., 2010. 151 p. 54. Kuts V.V. Metodologiya predproektnykh issledovanii spetsializirovannykh metallorezhushchikh sistem. Diss. dokt. tekhn. nauk [Methodology of pre-design studies of specialized metal-cutting systems. Dr. eng. sci. diss.]. Kursk, 2012. 365 p. 55. Vragov Yu.D. Analiz komponovok metallorezhushchikh stankov (Osnovy komponetiki) [Analysis of the layout of machine tools. The basics of compositing]. Moscow, Mashinostroenie Publ., 1978. 208 p. 56. IvakhnenkoA.G. Kontseptual’noe proektirovanie metallorezhushchikh sistem. Strukturnyi sintez [Conceptual design of metal-cutting systems. Structural synthesis]. Khabarovsk, KhGTU Publ., 1998. 124 p. 57. Ptitsyn S.V., Skeeba V.Yu., Chesov Yu.S., Merezhko E.V. Nadezhnost’ prognoza kachestva tekhnologichesk- ogo oborudovaniya [Reliability prediction of quality process equipment]. Obrabotka metallov (tekhnologiya, oboru- dovanie, instrumenty) = Metal Working and Material Science , 2013, no. 2 (59), pp. 33–38. 58. Skeeba V.Yu., Ivancivsky V.V. Reliability of quality forecast for hybrid metal-working machinery. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science , 2018, vol. 194, iss. 2, p. 022037. DOI: 10.1088/1755- 1315/194/2/022037.