Obrabotka Metallov 2021 Vol. 23 No. 3

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV Vol. 23 No. 3 2021 97 EQUIPMENT. INSTRUMENTS 2. Prigogine I., George C. The second law as a selection principle: the microscopic theory of dissipative processes in quantum systems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , 1983, vol. 80, pp. 4590–4594. 3. Ebeling W. von, Engel A., Feistel R. Fizika protsessov evolyutsii [Physics of evolution processes]. Moscow, URSS Publ., 2001. 328 p. 4. Nikolis Dzh. Dinamika ierarkhicheskikh sistem [Dynamics of Hierarchical Systems]. Moscow, Mir Publ., 1989. 488 p. 5. Kolesnikov A.A. Prikladnaya sinergetika: osnovy sistemnogo sinteza [Applied synergetics: fundamentals of system synthesis]. Taganrog, SFU Publ., 2007. 384 p. 6. Kolesnikov A.A. Sinergeticheskaya teoriya upravleniya [Synergetic theory of control]. Moscow, Energoatomizdat Publ., 1994. 344 p. ISBN 5-230-24678-2. 7. Kolesnikov A.A., Kuzmenko A.A. Metod AKAR i teoriya adaptivnogo upravleniya v zadachakh sinteza nelineinykh sistem upravleniya [The ACAR method and the theory of adaptive control in problems of synthesis of nonlinear control systems]. Mekhatronika, avtomatizatsiya, upravlenie = Mechatronics, Automation, Control , 2017, vol. 18, no. 9, pp. 579–589. DOI: 10.17587/mau.18.579-589. 8. KolesnikovA.A., KolesnikovAl.A., Kuz’menkoA.A. MetodyAKAR iAKOR v zadachakh sinteza nelineinykh sistem upravleniya [Methods of ACAR and ACOR in problems of synthesis of nonlinear control systems]. Mekhatronika, avtomatizaciya, upravlenie = Mechatronics, automation, control , 2016, vol. 17, no. 10, pp. 657–669. DOI: 10.17587/mau.17.657-669. 9. Zakovorotniy V.L., Flek M.B., Pham D.T. Sinergeticheskaya kontseptsiya pri postroenii sistem upravleniya tochnost’yu izgotovleniya detalei slozhnoi geometricheskoi formy [Synergetic concept in the construction of precision control systems for manufacturing parts of complex geometric shapes]. Vestnik Donskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta = Vestnik of Don State Technical University , 2011, vol. 11, no. 10 (61), pp. 1785–1797. 10. Zakovorotny V.L., Gubanova A.A., Lukyanov A.D. Stability of shaping trajectories in milling: Synergetic concepts. Russian Engineering Research , 2016, vol. 36 (11), pp. 956–964. DOI: 10.3103/S1068798X16110216. 11. Zakovorotny V.L., Gubanova A.A., Lukyanov A.D. Parametric self-excitation of a dynamic end-milling machine. Russian Engineering Research , 2016, vol. 36 (12), pp. 1033–1039. DOI: 10.3103/S1068798X16120194. 12. Zakovorotny V.L., Gvindjiliya V.E. In fl uence of spindle wobble in a lathe on the tool’s deformational- displacement trajectory. Russian Engineering Research , 2018, vol. 38 (8), pp. 623–631. DOI: 10.3103/ S1068798X1808018X. 13. Zakovorotny V.L., Bykador V.S. Cutting-system dynamics. Russian Engineering Research , 2016, vol. 36 (7), pp. 591–598. DOI: 10.3103/S1068798X16070182. 14. Zakovorotny V.L., Flek M.B., Ugnich E.A. Synergetic approach to the modeling of industrial enterprise’s economic activity. International Journal of Economic Perspectives , 2016, vol. 10 (4), pp. 371–375. 15. ZakovorotnyV.L., ShapovalovV.V. Dinamika transportnykh tribosistem [Dynamics of transport tribosystems]. Sborka v mashinostroenii, priborostroenii = Assembling in Mechanical Engineering, Instrument-Making , 2005, no. 12, pp. 19–24. 16. Ryzhkin A.A. Sinergetika iznashivaniya instrumental’nykh materialov pri lezviinoi obrabotke [Synergetics of tool wear in cutting edge treatment]. Rostov-on-Don, Don State Technical University Publ., 2019. 289 p. ISBN 9785789016695. 17. Starkov V.K. Fizika i optimizatsiya rezaniya materialov [Physics and optimization of cutting materials]. Moscow, Mashinostroenie Publ., 2009. 639 p. 18. MigranovM.Sh. Issledovaniya iznashivaniya instrumental’nykh materialov i pokrytii s pozitsii termodinamiki i samoorganizatsii [Research of wear of tool materials and coatings from the positions of thermodynamics and self- organization]. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Mashinostroenie = Proceedings of Higher Educational Institutions. Ма chine Building , 2006, no. 11, pp. 65–71. 19. Karimov I.G. Vliyanie temperatury rezaniya na energeticheskie parametry kontakta instrumenta s detal’yu [In fl uence of the cutting temperature on the energy parameters of the tool contact with the part]. Vestnik U fi mskogo gosudarstvennogo aviatsionnogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta = Vestnik USATU , 2012, vol. 16, no. 44 (49), pp. 85–89. 20. Gomez-Solano J.R., July C., Mehl J., Bechinger C. Non-equilibriumwork distribution for interacting colloidal particles under friction. New Journal of Physics , 2015, vol. 17, p. 045026. DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/17/4/045026. 21. Banjac M. Friction and wear processes-thermodynamic approach. Tribology in Industry , 2014, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 341–347. 22. Abdel-Aal H.A. Thermodynamic modeling of wear. Encyclopedia of Tribology . Boston, MA, Springer, 2013, pp. 3622–3636. DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-92897-5_1313.