Obrabotka Metallov 2022 Vol. 24 No. 4

250 OBRABOTKAMETALLOV EDITORIAL MATERIALS Vol. 24 No. 4 2022 EDITORIALMATERIALS Dear Authors, in view of the inclusion of the journal “Obrabotka Metallov / Metal Working and Material Science” in the international databases of bibliographic description and scientifi c citation Web of Science and Scopus, the rules for formatting submitted manuscripts have been changed. The main goal of the changes is to make the main provisions and conclusions of the papers published in the journal accessible to a wide foreign audience that does not speak Russian. The English Abstract of the paper and the References used by the author(s) are now of particular importance, since References and not the text of the paper itself, are refl ected in the Scopus and Web of Science systems. In terms of its content and informative value, the Abstract and References should draw the attention of foreign readers to the subject of the paper. Accordingly, it is in the interests of the author(s) to be scrupulous about the preparation of these blocks of the paper and ensure its highest possible quality. The journal mainly publishes the results of original fundamental, applied and exploratory scientifi c research and postgraduate work. Previously published scientifi c works are not accepted for consideration and publication! Considerable attention is paid to the publication of review, problematic and discussion papers on topical issues of machine building and modern metallurgy and materials science. We are registered in the State commission for academic degrees and titles in the following scientifi c specialties: Technology and equipment for mechanical and physical-technical processing; Engineering technology; Welding, related processes and technologies; Machines, units and processes (by industry); Metallurgy and heat treatment of metals and alloys; Powder metallurgy and composite materials; Nanotechnologies and nanomaterials (by industry); Materials science (by industry). The journal has the right to publish scientifi c papers within the specifi ed specialties! The publication of papers is free. Due to the fact that the journal “Obrabotka Metallov / Metal Working and Material Science” accepts original scientifi c papers in the Full Paper format – the standard format for completed scientifi c research, it is recommended to enlarge the main text of the work (the body of the paper is taken into account, without lists of references) – 18–20 typewritten pages, 1.5 spacing. In the case when the work is declared as an overview, the volume should be increased to 30 pages. The scientifi c paper should have the structure of IMRAD (•Introduction, •Methods, •Results, •Discussion, •Conclusion). Paper submission In order to submit a paper, the author (all co-authors!) should be signed up for the journal website. The author (one of the co-authors) in his offi ce selects the “Submit a paper” in the menu and enters all the necessary data. The author selects his/her co-authors from the list of registered users. Important: The work should be received no later than 3 months before the offi cial publication of the issue according to the schedule. In exceptional cases, in agreement with the editors of the journal, the deadline for submitting a paper to the next issue can be extended, but not more than two weeks. Schedule of the journal publication during the year Issue Publication (month, date) 1 03/15 2 06/15 3 09/15 4 12/15 Before sending the manuscript to the editors, the authors are highly recommended to check their paper using the Anti-plagiarism system. The allowable percentage of text borrowing from other sources is 5–10 %.