Obrabotka Metallov 2022 Vol. 24 No. 4

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV Vol. 24 No. 4 2022 253 EDITORIAL MATERIALS If necessary, drawings of samples with units of measurement are given (units of measurement in SI system only). When testing reference materials, reference to the standard is suffi cient. For a large test program, it is advisable to use a matrix-type table. If samples are taken from ingots, billets or components, then its orientation and location in the source material are described; standard designations according to the standard are used. During the tests, the following information is provided: 1. Type and conditions of tests, for example, test temperature, loading rate, environment; 2. Describes the variable parameters, measured values and methods of its measurement with accuracy, degree of error, resolution, etc .; for quantities that have been calculated, the methods used to calculate it. RESULTS AND ITS DISCUSSION A section contains a brief description of the experimental and/ or theoretical data obtained. The presentation of the results should consist in identifying the discovered patterns, and not in a mechanical retelling of the contents of tables and graphs. It is recommended to present the results in the past tense. The discussion should contain the interpretation of the research results obtained by you (correspondence of the results to the research hypothesis, generalization of the research results, proposals for practical application, proposals for the direction of future research). The above recommendations are also relevant for theoretical and computational work. In papers based on computational work, you should specify the fi nite element type, boundary conditions and input parameters. The numerical result is presented taking into account the limitations (accuracy) in the applied computational methods. In papers based on analytical work, when presenting a long series of formulas, it is necessary to provide an explanatory text so that the essence of the content of the work is clear. The correctness of the calculations should be confi rmed by intermediate calculations. As in the case of experimental work, a simple description of numerical or analytical transformations without considering the theoretical (physical) root cause is usually not enough to justify the publication of such a paper. A simple report of numerical results in the form of tables or in the form of text, as well as endless data from experimental work, without trying to determine or hypothesize why such results were obtained, without trying to identify causal relationships, does not decorate the work. Comparing your numerical results to the numerical results obtained by someone else can be informative. But it doesn’t prove anything. Control by comparison with commonly known solutions and verifi cation by comparison with experimental data are mandatory. Discussion Use this section to fully explain the signifi cance of your approach, data or analysis and results. This section organizes and interprets the results. The purpose of this section is to show what knowledge has been gained as a result of your work and to show the perspective of the results obtained by comparing it with the current situation in this area described in the “Introduction” section. A large number of graphs and color illustrations do not give a scientifi c result. It is the responsibility of the author to organize the data and present the results systematically. Thus, simply reporting test results without attempting to investigate internal mechanisms is of little value. CONCLUSION / CONCLUSIONS This section usually begins with a few phrases summarizing the work done, and then the main conclusions are presented in the form of a list. Should be concise. Graphics quality! We remind you that according to the requirements of the journal, charts and diagrams should be prepared in vector graphic editors. The resolution of the fi gures is not less than 600 dpi.). Under each fi gure there should be a corresponding caption (in Russian and in English!). The fonts in the fi gures should be enlarged and brought to uniformity. Dear authors, the journal “Obrabotka Metallov / Metal Working and Material