Actual Problems in Machine Building 2023 Vol.10 N1-2

Actual Problems in Machine Building. Vol. 10. N 1-2. 2023 Technological Equipment, Machining Attachments and Instruments ____________________________________________________________________ 50 11. Лобанов Д.В., Янюшкин А.С. Автоматизация организационной подготовки инструмента для обработки композиционных материалов // Автоматизация и современные технологии. – 2013. – № 3. – С. 3–9. 12. Механика современных специальных систем / Н.В. Василенко, Н.И. Галибей, В.К. Гупалов [и др.]. – Красноярск: Печатные технологии, 2004. – Т. 3. – 558 с. – ISBN 5-98-027026-4. 13. Борисов М.А., Лимонов С.Е. Анализ и совершенствование роботизированного оборудования для исследований в области автоматизации производственных процессов // Современные технологии: проблемы и перспективы: сборник статей Всероссийской научнопрактической конференции для аспирантов, студентов и молодых ученых, Севастополь, 19– 22 апр. 2022 г. – Севастополь, 2022. – С. 112–115. 14. Лимонов С.Е., Борисов М.А. Разработка программируемого устройства для моделирования процесса управления транспортным роботом в автоматической линии термообработки виртуальных деталей // Современные технологии: проблемы и перспективы: сборник статей всероссийской научно-практической конференции для аспирантов, студентов и молодых ученых, Севастополь, 19–22 мая 2020 г. – Севастополь, 2020. – С. 97–101. IMPROVING THE DESIGN OF A ROBOTIC ASSEMBLY AND SORTING STAND Borisov M.A.1, Ph.D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, e-mail: Limonov S.E.2, Postgraduate, e-mail: 1I.N. Ulianov Chuvash State University, 15 Moskovsky Prospekt, Cheboksary, 428015, Russian Federation 2 Nizhny Novgorod State Engineering and Economic University (Knyagininsky University), 22A Oktyabrskaya str., Knyaginino, 606340, Russian Federation Abstract As technology evolves, traditional areas of engineering merge and adapt to new challenges. Mechatronics is used in many fields, including the automotive industry, energy, medicine, manufacturing and many others. Robotics is a very dynamically developing field, and today robots are used in many industries. Mechatronics and robotics are closely related to each other and constitute an important area of modern technology and science, which continues to develop and find new applications in various industries. Therefore, the formation and use of robotics and mechatronics should be thought out from the first stages of engineering training programs so that engineers are ready to master professional activity in a short time and skillfully handle innovative robotic systems. An assembly and sorting stand was chosen as the object of research. The aim of the work is to improve the design of the assembly and sorting stand to expand its technological capabilities and the use of equipment for theoretical and practical research in the field of robotics. In the course of the work, a control scheme for the stand is developed, its design is modernized and its operability is tested. It is established that the improved design of the robotic assembly and sorting stand allows it to be used as a robotics training stand. Keywords Electrochemical grinding, electrochemical polishing, combined machining, electrochemical tool editing, power supply, diamond tool, electrode.