Actual Problems in Machine Building 2024 Vol.11 N3-4

Актуальные проблемы в машиностроении. Том 11. № 3-4. 2024 Технологическое оборудование, оснастка и инструменты ____________________________________________________________________ 63 PROSPECTS FOR RE-EQUIPING THE 3G71 PLANE GRINDING MACHINE INTO A TEST BENCH FOR FINISHING PRODUCTS MADE OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS Lobanov D.V., D.Sc. (Engineering), Professor, e-mail: Terentyev E.A., Post-graduate Student, e-mail: Rafanova O.S., Post-graduate Student, e-mail: I.N. Ulianov Chuvash State University, 15 Moskovsky Prospekt, Cheboksary, 428015, Russian Federation Abstract The paper discusses the re-equipment of a plane grinding machine into a test bench for finishing using various technological methods. The modernization of the main motion drive is considered with the aim of its stepless regulation and increasing the maximum cutting speed. The paper proposes to achieve stepless control by introducing a frequency converter into the power circuit of the asynchronous motor of the grinding wheel. It is proposed to use two conversion options to increase the range of stepless control to its maximum value on the machine spindle. The first is changing the belt drive pulleys from the standard diameter ratio Ø60/Ø60 to Ø90/Ø60. The second option is to replace the standard grinding mandrel of a grinding wheel with a seat diameter of 76 mm and a wheel diameter of 300 mm, with a mandrel with a seat diameter of 100 mm, designed to install wheels with a diameter of 400 mm. Currently, the tools and technologies for finishing abrasive processing have undergone significant changes. Grinding tools use new types of abrasives and binders, which give the tool new properties. Modern tools and finishing technologies make it possible to use abrasive processing methods using new types of abrasives, when combining traditional grinding with chemical, physical, thermal, electrical and other types of influences in the processing area. All this entails requirements for the use of higher cutting speeds than traditional ones. Prospects for re-equipping equipment are seen in the use of modern combined grinding methods, the use of which leads to a decrease in contact loads and temperatures, leading to a decrease in the clogging of the surface of the abrasive tool. This leads to an increase in the quality of the cutting edge of the mineral-ceramic plate and an improvement in the cutting ability of the grinding wheel. The use of such methods has a positive effect on increasing productivity and processing quality. Keywords abrasive processing, stepless control, tool materials, combined methods, mineral ceramics.