Obrabotka Metallov 2024 Vol. 26 No. 2

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV Vol. 26 No. 2 2024 231 EDITORIAL MATERIALS Simultaneously with the article, the original expert opinion on the possibility of open publication of the article is sent to the postal address of the editorial offi ce: 630073, Novosibirsk, Prospekt K. Marksa, Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU), bldg. 5, com. 137VTs, the deputy editor-in-chief Vadim Y. Skeeba. When a manuscript is accepted for publication, an author’s license agreement is additionally sent to the postal address of the editorial offi ce. All manuscripts are reviewed. There is no fee for publishing manuscripts. Paper submission guidelines: See the section “Paper Submission guidelines” (https://journals.nstu.ru/obrabotka_metallov/rules). Please read carefully all the points presented in these sections. When formatting your work, it is recommended to use the template presented on the journal’s website: https:// journals.nstu.ru/fi les/2_4/fi le/Shablon_oformleniya_OM_2020.docx. Authors affi liation A list of authors should contain Full names. Names and Surnames of the author(s) should be written out. The full name of the organization for each of the authors, indicating the street, house number, city, postal code and country also should be written. For each of the authors, it is MANDATORY to indicate its unique identifi cation code ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID), RSCI AuthorID and e-mail. If there is no ORCID, then it is necessary to follow the link https://orcid.org/ and register in the system. After registration, you need to edit your personal data and the list of publications. After registering ORCID, you need to EDIT YOUR PERSONAL DATAAND THE LIST OF PUBLICATIONS IN THIS PROFILE (“an empty” ORCID profi le is not allowed!). When uploading papers, give preference to English-language sources. It is also recommended: when registering a profi le in ORCID, use the Latin alphabet, not Cyrillic!; indicate the full name, not the abbreviation. Do not confuse First name and Last name. If such errors are found, be sure to correct your profi le! After fi lling out the profi le, it is necessary to provide access to public information. A huge request to all authors is also to check and correct the data in their profi les on the SCOPUS and WoS platforms. Indicate all your digital identifi ers (CI) in your profi le on the journal’s website. Attention! When entering the corresponding CI, before saving the entered values in the profi le, you need to look at the example and click on the “Check Profi le” button located next to it. If the entered values are correct, the publishing system of the journal will open the corresponding page on the Internet with your data. Be careful when entering the RSCI AuthorID. This digital identifi er should not be confused with the SPIN code. Attention – the RSCIAuthorID should be entered by each author in his/her profi le on the journal’s website! The scientifi c paper should have the structure of IMRAD (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion): • Title; • Abstract; • Introduction; • Methods; • Results; • Discussion; • Conclusion; • Acknowledgements / Funding; • References. Abstract Paper abstract should be: informative (do not contain general words); original; meaningful (refl ect the main content of the paper and the research results); structured (follow the results description logic) (see examples in the section “Paper Submission guidelines”). The abstract should include the following aspects of the content of the paper: the rationale; the subject; the purpose of the work; method or methodology of the work; results of work; the fi eld of application of the results; conclusions. In the abstract, you should adhere to the structure of IMRAD and clearly indicate in the text (for both Russian and English versions) the corresponding sections: Introduction; Methods; Results and Discussion (see an example). The volume of the abstract in English should be at least 250 words!